Chapter 44

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After Toni and Chris wander off, I sit and chat with Ed, Cherry, Gavin and Robin.  Corey has opted to go to the bar with Niall.  Ed is looking like he wants to join them as well.

Cherry looks at him and pushes into him with her shoulder as they sit on the sofa.

"Babe, you know you want to go lift a pint or two.  Go, I'm fine here with Nico and her friends.  I'll join you later, but I want to sit out here with everyone for a while" she tells him.

He looks at her with some skepticism but decides she's telling him the truth.

"Are you sure you don't mind?  I can wait until you're ready ... " he begins.

"I'm sure.  Go. You need to keep an eye on Niall."

I nod at Ed. 

"Don't worry about Cherry.  I'll take good care of her and make sure she finds her way to you, I promise" I say with a wink.  "Gavin, Robin and I are just going to talk.  Go."

He smiles and pushes his black Tom Ford glasses up his nose.

"Okay, you ladies have talked me into it.  I'll see you in a bit, yeah?"

Cherry leans in and kisses him before he stands up.

"It was really nice to meet you Gavin, Robin.  I'm looking forward to chatting with you more, perhaps tomorrow or karaoke night."

Gavin chimes in straight away.

"It's nice to finally meet you, Ed.  I've been a fan of your music for some time.  Perhaps we can collaborate on something."

That would be incredible, Gavin.  Thank you.  We'll talk tomorrow?" he asks.

"Absolutely, mate."

Ed smiles and kisses Cherry one more time sweetly, then heads off to join Niall and Corey.

Robin yawns and looks at us with a sheepish expression.

"Sorry folks, I'm just an old stick in the mud.  I'm gonna head off to bed.  I want to call Ellie and see how she's doing.  It was very nice to meet you Cherry.  And as always, it's so good to see you again Nico.  Good night everyone."

He stands up and walks out.

Gavin sits back and has a big grin on his face.

"Guess I'm the lucky bloke who gets to be entertained by two beautiful women" he exclaims as he leans back into the sofa.

I glance over at him with a smile and shake my head.

"You got that all wrong, Rossdale.  It's your place to entertain us." I say.

He throws me some serious side eye along with a smirk to go along with the dangerous look in his eye.

"Careful, Miss Nico.  You know I could make some serious suggestions about entertaining you.  You only need agree."

Cherry's eyes widen to that of saucers.

"Um, should I clear the room, folks?"

"No, no, no – just ignore him.  He's always been a letch and he's just letting it slip out sooner rather than later" I say with a look of "watch yourself" to him.  He simply smiles that smile and a little part of me enjoys what I see.  The man is charismatic.  I'll give him that.

Cherry nods and turns to Gavin.

"So, your band is going to be playing at the concert, yeah?  I've heard a number of your songs.  I have to say, I quite enjoy your music."

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