Chapter 7

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Dakota's P.OV.

"Too sexy for my shirt," I sang slowly slipping on my neon green skinny jeans. "Yeah I'm too sexy for my shirt."

Once I was fully dressed I walked into the bathroom to fix my hair. Turning on the flat iron I tapped my foot to the imaginary beat in my head waiting for it to heat.

Touching the iron's surface was not a good idea; it was fucking hot. "Fuck," I mumbled sticking my finger into my mouth roaming my cool tongue around the burning sensation.

Taking my finger out I picked up the iron from the handle and began to use it on my hair wavy hair.

"Kota," Carter called knocking on the door. "I hope you're not naked, I'm coming in."

"That's what she said," I snorted as he came up behind me.

"How could 'she' say 'I'm coming in'?" He questioned using finger quotations.

"Easy," I said using my comb to slightly 'tease' my hair. "She owns a strap on."

"Mmm," Carter hummed pushing me out of the way to stare at him in the mirror. "So who uses the strap on, you or Rach?"

"I'm too lazy to do anything," I replied smirking. "Besides nothings hotter than being dominated by a beautiful chick."

Carter jokingly gagged sticking his finger down his throat. "Disgusting." Looking back into mirror Carter smirked at his own reflection and playfully growling. "Damn I look good."

Huffing I pushed my overly conceited gay brother out of the way. "I look even better," I sang posing in front of the mirror.

"Girl please," he argued in a high pitched voice. "Madonna wants her hairstyle back."

Clicking my tongue I oh so gracefully, almost tripping on my two feet, turned around to face Carter. "I'm sorry hun, but I think Louis Tomlinson would appreciate it if you stopped copying his look."

Carter scuffed snapping the end of his black suspenders which loosely fell from his skinny jeans. "Not even funny, you know I was rockin' this shit before that wanna be Backstreet Boys band came out."

"Funny how you make fun of them yet you have a poster of all of them half naked on your wall."

Carter gave me a 'are you fucking serious?' look. "They're sexy beasts, so yes I do have a poster or two of them."

I snorted turning off the flat iron and sticking my tongue out at my somehow older brother. "His girlfriend is hot."

"Who's girlfriend?"

"Louis Tomlinson's," I sighed dreamily.

"I know," he drew out.

"You're insecure, don't know what for," I busted out singing.

"You're turning heads when you walk through the door!" Carter and I practically shrieked together.

"Don't need makeup to cover up," we shouted walking skipping out into the hallway.

"Being the way that you are is enough!" Carter fist pumped jogging down the stairs.

"Everyone else in the room could see it," I tried singing in a deep voice following Carter downstairs.

"Everyone else but yo-"

"What the else is dying?" Matt asked cutting Carter off.

"Your face!" Carter screamed. "Now let us finish the damn song."

"Okay okay," Matt chuckled throwing his hands up in surrender.

"Thank you. Now where was I?"


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