Guilds and Weapons

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You woke up the next morning and looked around. You were still in this world. You were in your clothes from yesterday. You yawned and rubbed your eyes, walking downstairs. "Morning (F/N)!" Chugga shouted and handed you a bag. "There's armor in there. Go change!" He showed you a changing room and left. As you changed, you felt heavy. Probably because the armor.. You chuckled to yourself and walked back into the kitchen. You spotted someone making breakfast. "UH, who are you?" You asked the figure. "Matthew Patrick, but call me MatPat or just Knight Mat." He said to you and smiled. "Ok, MatPat, I'm (F/N)." You replied as Chugga walked back in. "Oh! (F/N)! You met Mat! Ok! Well we're all meeting another guild today. Their guild master is named Donna." Emile said and sat down at a table. You grabbed a plate and sat down beginning to eat. Jon, Luca, Josh, Mat, and another sat down. "Oh, (F/N)! I forgot to mention. That's Sir Timothy. He's a white Mage to help us heal around here." You nodded and continue to eat. Once everyone was done, the headed out towards an inn. Emile and the others started suggesting weapons for you: longsword, axe, magic staff, magic sword, mace, whip, summoner cards, etc.. You pondered the thoughts as Emile told you that we were there. "Hey! The Streetpass crew is here!" A male yelled. "Stephen! It's been a while. How is Lady Mal?" Jon asked the man. "Alright. She's over there." He pointed and Mal waved. "Hey peanutbutterjellytime!" Luca yelled. "Don't call me that! It's PB- hey, did you guys get another member?" He asked, pointing to you. "Yeah, that's (F/N)." Josh nodded and pushed you towards the front of the crowd. "Hey! Tyler! They got a new guild member!" He yelled over at someone else who walked over. He nodded and waved at you. "So, Nintencrew, we would like to merge guilds to train and enter the championships in the coliseum and to defeat the evil beasts who rule at the top of Controller Tower." Tim said to Donnabellez. "Hm.. MASAE!" She yelled as another girl ran over. "Yeah Donna? I have everything up and ready! All the forms and such to merge guilds." Masae handed everyone in your guild papers. They all signed and the papers disappeared. "Welcome to the Nintencrew." Donna smiled at everyone. They all nodded and Emile spoke up. "Hey! I'm taking (F/N) weapon shopping! We'll be back soon." He said and took your hand, leading you away from the crowded inn. "So what interests you? Blades? Magic?" He asked staring at you softly. "Well.. Casting spells sounds cool. But I do like blades.." You replied. "I got it! A magic sword! Cmon! I know a magic shop!" Emile grabbed your wrist and you ran with him, purchasing your blade. That night you had a party to celebrate. You snuck out to train but that was a mistake. You dropped your sword and blacked out. One thing you knew was that this wasn't a monster you were fighting; it was a human using illusion magic. You hadn't woke up yet. You were missing. Emile and the others set out to find you. You were dreaming and hoping that they would find you before someone else.


(Hey! Sorry everyone! I know I must be more active! I just gotta think of stuff to write about! I'll be on Chapter 3 in no time! Enjoy, follow, and comment please! Id love feedback!)

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