8 - Will you be my partner? [UNEDITED]

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I- my house ran out of creamer so now im drinking coffee that has a buttload of chocolate syrup in it, milk, and a dab of honey.

oh lordy wHat have i done??

Also, I'm not a romantic person, you have been warned


Gon - 16

You - 15

You were sucking on some hard candy, trying not to bite down and get it stuck in-between your teeth

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You were sucking on some hard candy, trying not to bite down and get it stuck in-between your teeth. You soon felt it dissolve away and reached in to pop another one in, when your brother decided it was a great time to throw a bucket of water at you. I mean, he threw a literal bucket of water at you. His hands slipped. He realized his mistake and ran away, but you were too stunned to care. You laid on the ground and held your hand in your hands. Your hair was damp and you felt goosebumps go up your arm, probably from the freezing cold water.

"Holy guacamole, that hurts like a-" You were cut off by Gon.

"Are you okay [y/n]?" He asked, worry lacing his voice. He held you by your forearms and helped you stand up.

You ripped your hands away from his grip as you face became an attractive shade of red. You rubbed the forming bump on the back of your head a nervously chuckled. "Yeah, I'm fine," You cringed as your voice cracked. You still felt awkward since Gons confession, even if it was from over a year ago. You tried to make things go back to normal, but it was hard knowing that he saw you as a potential partner. You still had yet to tell him your feelings and you weren't sure if you were able to.

"Are you sure?" He locked gazes with you, his intimidation levels spiked.

"Y-Yep," You stuttered. In truth, you head was beating against your skull and you felt as if you could pass out. You didn't want him to worry over a small bump, so you kept it to yourself. You were about to excuse yourself to go to the bathroom, when Gon grabbed your face. You let out a small yell as he pulled you closer to him. He turned your head from side-to-side and placed his hand on you head.

He pulled his hand back and looked at it. It was caked in, what seemed to be, blood. He silently grabbed you wrist, you were to distracted by the fact that your head was bleeding to care, and walked you to Leorio.

"Hey Leorio!" He called out.

Leorio let out a small, 'huh?' and looked up from his papers.

"Can you give [y/n] stitches?" Gon asked, holding up his blood-covered hand.

"What'd you do [y/n]?!" Leorio stood up from his chair and ran over to you, inspecting you body.

"Um, my brother threw a bucket of water at me, but his hands slipped and I started bleeding...?" You answered questionably. You weren't quite sure what had happened.

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