Feitan Catch-up (UNEDITED)

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you guys are probably so done with me by now

dont worry, i have reasons

. . .

its that i really like Feitan.

but this one wont be split into parts so dont worry. i also switched Rainy Days and Confessions, just because i wanted to build up the friendship more. is that okay?


Feitan - 25

You - 23

How you meet

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How you meet

July Sixth was an important date for you. Why? It was the day your good friend Chrollo had come to you, asking if you wanted to join his troupe.

Lucky Spider Number Ten.

Apparently, Bonolenov had offed himself in the battlefield, so he had to be replaced. And who better then you?

After getting the spider tattooed on the left side of your waist, you then had to meet the other group members.

There was Nobunaga, who was pretty chill. He seemed to laugh a lot and be a more traditional kinda guy. The top knot on his head was fun to look at, though. He was Spider Number One.

Spider Number Eight was Shizuku. She was also a new member, having replaced whoever number eight formally was. She was interesting, seemed a little clueless and airheaded. You had a feeling you would get along.

And here comes lucky Number Three, Machi. You and her didn't get along as well.

Four was absent, but you had a feeling you would meet them soon.

Twelve was one of the more mysterious ones. Kortopi. His hair covered his face, the only thing it revealed was one eye. He was probably the shortest of the troupe.

Spider Number Seven, Franklin. He was more intimidating, but the more you got to know him, the more he loosened up.

Five seemed to be more on the serious side. Phinks intimidated you as well, his glare giving you a weird feeling. It was obvious he didn't trust you.

Six was a nice guy, very welcome. He introduced himself as Shalnark, a blond boy with a bowl cut. Interesting, you and him seemed to get along well.

Number Nine was intimidating as well, she had to be a head taller then you. Pakunoda scared the absolute crap out of you.

Eleven was one of your favorites. He was loud, he was happy, and he seemed more optimistic then some of the other members. Uvogin was a big, muscle-y guy with side burns and the hair to match. He was the tallest of the troupe.

Speaking of the tallest, the second shortest had yet to introduce himself. 

 Number Two. Feitan.

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