Chapter 6

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I came to in the Fade on the grounds of the Black City. A swirl of dark fur and red eyes appeared before me. Fear should've filled my stomach like stone, but I was actually happy to see the creature. I stroked its soft muzzle in greeting.

"You're more whole now," it told me. "Do you remember?"

"Only one memory of a dwarf named Varric, and it wasn't clear."

"Ah, I know him well." There was a comfortable silence before it spoke again. "What did you come here for?"

"Cole told me I should ask you about getting my memories back."

"I was wondering what Compassion was doing with my master, though I suppose he's human now."

"Will you do it?" Impatience slithered through my tone.

"Calm yourself, little goddess. I'll do as you ask."

"Really," I let out with enthusiasm.

"Only because I think you'll regret it. You were filled with it before," the beast all but purred. Its tail even wagged a little.

"Then... thanks?"

It nodded its large head. "Look into my eyes and don't forget to breathe."

I smiled nervously. Its red eyes began to glow, and I felt magic pulse out from it to me. I was filled with light, dark, noise, and silence. I was whirling around a ballroom of my life, and when the dance ended, I was on my hands and knees before Regret. A smile lit my face as I sobbed, overwhelmed with the years of memories I had forgotten. Joy, sadness, anger, love, pain, healing, and regret surged through me. I was happy to know them, even the regret. From that, a feeling emerged that I had always given to others but not to myself. I realized that the people 'I' couldn't save didn't die because of me. They died because of Corypheus. Perhaps the sharpest and most selfish thing was that I was in an equal amount of pain over... him. Solas. His name brought both sweetness and sting. I breathed in and out. Those feelings were natural. What we had was real. Tears leaked down my face. I loved him. No, I love him still.

"And that's alright," I whispered to myself. I looked up and faced Regret. "You were right, and now, you are wrong."


"Also, I need another favor. Solas mentioned that he'll die to recreate the world of old."

"And you want to stop him."

All we have are our consciences and our choices. "I doubt I'd succeed by asking nicely. I want to pay the price for him, and I want you to wait one week before taking his final order."

"You're gambling the fate of the world and your life on his love for you? He'll disappoint you."

"No, I'm thinking that this world has more love in it than hate. He just needs to see that. Nothing brings the world together like a common enemy and the death of a hero. It'll take a week at most for news of my death to spread."

"You're quite calm about this." Its head lowered to me.

"I think this is my purpose. I could've died so many times. There must be a reason I remain."

"Interesting," he said. Its tail thumped.

"Will you do it?"

It shuffled its feet around to lay down. "Yes. Your failure will bring him the most regret." It gave me a wolfish grin before licking its chops. "What a feast."

I placed a hand on its long, soft muzzle. "We have a deal then."

It nuzzled its snout into my palm. "I'll do as you desire, little goddess."

"Thanks, little wolf."

It let out a huff then a chuckle before its hackles raised, and it turned around.

"Leave this place, little goddess. Another trespasser approaches."

"Good luck, little wolf," I told it before running for the path to leave.

The paths shaped themselves under my feet much faster than before as I made my way back to the grotto. A familiar figure sat in the grass before the waterfall as I approached.

"I was wondering when you'd turn up," I greeted him.

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