Chapter 4

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Whispers of the Inquisitor's death that echoed through Skyhold's ancient halls, though many could not believe mere rumors. The tales also reached her dearest companions, who refused to believe it. Whether that was because they saw her as that amazing or because they could not face her death remained unclear. Perhaps it was both. The lips of the agents of Fen'Harel carried the news to their master, who had the poorest reaction of all. Even when his foci was destroyed, he hadn't lost his temper. With the knowledge of the Inquisitor's fate, that once unbreakable calm gave way to a ferocious rage. When he was informed that another ancient darkspawn could be to blame, he ordered agents to hunt the creature down before falling into the Fade to track it from there with the help of his secret companion. Once it confirmed the creature's general location, he made preparations to leave for Amaranthine.

Few knew the true fate of the Inquisitor. Cole heard it in a tavern where Maryden was supposed to sing. She brushed it off as speculation and was angry someone would dare spread such news. When she asked Cole why he wasn't upset, he smiled slightly and said, "After this, the lonely wolf should seem a small obstacle." He then told her not to listen to the rumors and bid her farewell, claiming an old friend needed consoling.

Meanwhile, Lavellan grew closer to her new companions and to the Black City...

It was so close I could taste the black walls, not that I was sure I wanted to. Finally, the mists around the path cleared, and I reached the tainted grounds. I drank in the sight of my goal. Then, I heard something rustle behind me. My body whipped around to see a large, imposing form.

The 'wolf' if it could be called that was larger than the underground castle I had been calling my home. It blinked its multiple glowing eyes at me as its long, sleek body took a seat in front of me. I waited for it to say something.

"Well, well, well," it 'spoke'. "Been a while since we've had a trespasser around here."

Trespasser? Then... "You are the guardian? You are Regret?"

"Yes, and you are a trespasser. Yet, I feel... nothing from you. You want for nothing from this place but to look at it?"

"I wouldn't know what else it was for. I just came here because my master provided directions, and I was curious."

"About the Black City and... me."

I nodded. "I think you're important, but I don't remember."

The beast seemed surprised. "That's why I feel nothing! You don't regret because you have no regret." I looked at it in confusion. "Do not mind me. Anyways, I'll let you live as you pose no threat to my master. In fact, he seemed quite taken with you. Enough that he regretted leaving."

My brow wrinkled. "I don't think I met your master."

"You've forgotten about that, too. Did something happen? Perhaps he'll think you dead? Ah, how sweet his regret will taste then." The creature's eyes snapped to me. "He's coming. You must wake now, or he may order me to kill you, love of his life or no."

"Oh," I hesitated. "Alright, then." I reached out a hand. Regret looked at it curiously, and I felt a little foolish. Was I supposed to pet it? The creature let out a chortle before pressing its snout into my hand. I rubbed it in farewell.

"Take care, little goddess," the creature told me.

I giggled. "I'm no goddess."

"Not yet," it replied with a wolfish grin.

I woke up in my familiar bedroom and got dressed. After wandering down to the kitchen, I found Seranni and Utha.

"Stores are getting low," Selanni commented. "Too bad we can't show our faces in the market."

"We can't, but Falon can," Utha said, smiling at me. "As long as she and the Seeker wear long enough cloaks."

"Fine, but only if the master approves it," I told them. Their grins told me that they already asked him. "I'll go get Ortan."

I hadn't been outside since I came here. Instead, I explored the Fade, read, assisted the Architect as his protégé, and fixed up the murals around the castle. I collected Ortan and our cloaks. Then, we made our way to the surface.

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