Hogwarts and Stereotypes

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Making their way over to boats the group of three settled into a boat, which luckily no one else joined.  As they crossed the lake all the kids were astounded by the wondrous sight of Hogwarts castle which would house and teach them for several years.  Though instead of being captured by the sight of the impressive castle the three children were more interested in the amount of magic that was pulsing from the castle and encompassing them with its comforting aura.   

Soon they made their way into the castle and lined up in front of the doors that led into the Great Hall where they would be sorted and where for any other group friendships would be split apart.  However, Daenerys, Melody, and Rory were confident in their friendship staying together as they had the matching scars of the unbreakable vow tying them together and keeping them loyal to each other.  

Suddenly they heard loud shouts as they waited and saw many transparent figures float through the walls as they continued their own conversations and ignored the children that stared and gawked at them, aside from the trio who had already learned all about the ghosts and what to expect at Hogwarts in the weeks leading up to school year.  

"It's true, then.  What they're saying on the train.  Harry Potter has come to Hogwarts." A boy suddenly speaks up.  He looked in Daenerys' mind somewhat like a ferret, as he had a long and skinny aristocratic face along with pale blond hair that was gelled back across his head.  The boy then made his way across the room with two hulking figures behind him, looking more like bodyguards than ordinary schoolboys.  The pale blond and his bodyguards made their way towards a small, skinny boy with messy black hair and large circular glasses covering his face, meanwhile, the other children were talking amongst themselves about the great Harry Potter who defeated the Dark Lord, who went on so many adventures, lost so much, and who was now going to school with them.

Meanwhile whilst who the now identified as a Malfoy confronted Harry.  The trio consisting of Daenerys, Melody, and Rory ( I'm just going to call them the trio due to the story centering around them, the trio consisting of Harry, Ron, and Hermione will be referred to as the Golden trio from the original books.) stepped out of the way so as to have their own private conversations concerning the supposed Boy-Who-Lived.

"So what do you think of him then?  Your brother, I mean."  Melody asked.  "I mean between the three of us we know the truth about what really happened that night."  

Wait back up a moment.  Confused I thought so.  Here let's catch you up to speed.

Throughout their stay at the Peverell estate, Daenerys confided in her friends with the truth on what had truly happened that night in Godric's Hollow.  Daenerys had an eidetic memory so her accounts of what happened that night were in perfect detail.

How Harry was easily being distracted and entertained by bubbles their father had been producing from his wand.  How she was being held by their mother as she went to grab Dany's twin and take both of them upstairs when suddenly she and her mother had both heard the front gate creak.  Beginning to worry their mother Lily asked James if they were expecting someone, when their father denied that they weren't expecting any visitors both her mother and father's panic levels began to rise at that news.  Soon after the door was blasted in and pandemonium broke out, her father shouting at her mother to grab the twins and run.  However with nowhere to go their mother ran up the stairs quickly allowing young Daenerys to witness her father take on the Dark Lord unarmed and as he was quickly brought down by a cry of the fatal words of the killing curse and a bright flash of green light, leaving him dead upon the floor.  Soon their mother hurried into the nursery and placed them both in the same crib and kneeled down so as to be eye level with both of them as she whispered softly to them "Dany, Harry, you are so loved.  Mommy loves you.  Daddy loves you.  My babies be brave and be strong."  As the door was kicked in by the fearsome Dark Lord who then turned to their mother and ordered her out of the way repeatedly on which she denied.  He then turned his weapon on her saying the dreaded words making her drop as if a doll whose strings had been cut.  

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