The Doctor

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It was night outside the large Peverell estate, and quiet.  Of course it was always quiet in the estate, with the only human inhabitant being young Daenerys Potter, who was a brilliant and curious child but was also quite shy and introverted.  

Young Daenerys had been brought up by the many house elves that helped care for the estate of her ancestors, enabling her to grow up well provided for and brought up to act as the perfect pureblood child that was expected of her.  

Through the many years the elves taught her all there was to know about anything that was expected of her and beyond.  However due to Daenerys being a very curious child she had asked to be taught many additional things that were well beyond what children her age would know, things such as 19 different muggle languages, cooking, arts, history, mathematics, sciences, doctoring , engineering and technology all above college level.  Also due to growing up in a magical household with no limits on what she was allowed, she was well beyond NEWT levels in magic, knew 5 magical languages and had mastered her metamorphmagus abilities.  

Being a brilliant, lonely and curious child she achieved this all by the age 7 years old along with all her pureblood training.  Her curiosity knew no bounds as she wished to know everything  she could learn. Her curiosity was only spiked when one night she heard a crash and found a strange royal blue police box in her garden maze.

You see.  That night a few minutes before young Dany heard the crash, she was praying to Merlin and Morgana to help her with the crack in her wall that strangely resembled the scar across her collarbone which she got on the night of the attack in Godric's Hollow. (Yes, she knows about her parents and brother, and why they were attacked in the first place).  As the young girl prayed for the powerful witch and wizard to send someone to save her from the crack that not even her magic or the house elves could remove, as it followed her regardless of what room she stayed in.  

It was then that she heard the strange sound and the crash in the garden.  Dashing to the window she saw smoke rising from the center of the maze hedge.  Worried for the elves that  cared for her, she ordered all of them to hide until she deemed it safe.

  Worried for the elves that  cared for her, she ordered all of them to hide until she deemed it safe

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