Chaper 5

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Hey hope everyone had a good Christmas, thank you for all the reviews/ comments they really mean a lot. Just to let you guys know, as much as I like Shay and I have played and finished Rogue (great game by the way) He won't be in this story because when I planned it, it was before the game was actually released. So I hope that's okay; heres chapter five I hope you like it and it doesn't disappoint. Please comment :)

The snow had continued to fall and the days slowly passed, taking away all the patience and uncertainty with them. One day turned into two, two days faded into three. Both Assassin and Templar continued to trek through the deep snow. One behind the other.

As they moved forward, Amelia found herself staring at the Templar yet again. Three days had passed and the Grandmaster had shown her nothing but kindness and compassion. Even after all the time they'd sent together she still was no closer to finding out why.

Taking in the silence and the crisp cold morning air, she looked to her feet as they crumbled the snow below her. Glancing back to the Templar ahead of her she signed, exhausted by her own questioning mind. She noticed the Grand Master slow his pace as he glanced back at her, their eyes meant for only a second before he glanced over her shoulder and quickly stopped in his tracks.

Amelia turned to face him with a look confusion.

"What is it?"

"A word of warning; don't make any sudden movements."

She didn't need to question him as she slowly turned to see the pack of grey wolves moving towards them. For a moment the earth itself seemed to stand still. The only sound; the grumbles, grunts and growls of the pack. Amelia's heart pounded in her chest, she flinched slightly as she felt the sudden presence of the Templar close behind her. Both slowly reached for the weapons attached at their sides as they seemed to draw closer together.

In a single second they felt the other flinch as a piercing howl sounded along with the shrieking birds that flocked from the tree branches. The wolves moved closer, fangs exposed. Claws at the ready as the pack circled the Assassin and Templar, preparing to make their kill.

One by one, they snarled as they sprang forward. The Grandmaster swiftly pulled and shot his pistol in mid-air, meeting the wolf's chest as it fell to the floor with a dull thud. The next sprang towards Amelia, teeth snarling as she effortlessly drew her sword killing it in one fluid motion. The last of the pack charged all at once at the two, both just managing to fight them off as the drops of fresh blood strained the crisp blanket of snow. The two paused as they looked around at the pack of dead wolves that now littered the floor.

Amelia gasped in pain dropping to her knees as she reached for the deep gash on her arm. Wincing at the simple touch. The Grandmaster seemed quick to her side when he noticed she was injured.


"No that won't be necessary. Please just stop...that's enough."

She flinched at his touch as she moved away. The Templar stepped back, a look of confusion finding him.

"I don't follow..."

"You tried to kill me once...I still remember the feel of the blade against my neck and now you show me nothing but... kindness and compassion. Why the change of heart? I don't understand...I fail to see what value I could be to you I- "

Amelia stopped as she realised. It had been so simple, she just hadn't seen it at first. All those questions, all those doubts. Her instincts had never led her wrong before and she had known this was no different.

"Oh of course... Foolish of me to have not seen it before. But despite what you may think, I would never fight for your cause. I would never abandon all that I know and betray all that I am."

"I'm sorry to hear that my dear. You have impeccable skills and a great deal of potential. One that might strive while working with the Order. You would be seen as a great weapon amongst us."

"I am no weapon Grandmaster. And I don't intend to be used as a mere toy by the Templars. It would take more than pretty words and an illusion of your order and purpose. So if you do intend to end my life best do it quickly, save us both the wasted breath of this never ending debate."

The Grandmaster smirked to himself as he stood patiently with his hands placed behind his back. Pacing calmly around her, she never took her eyes off of the man. Her eyes burning with anger and hatred.

"Yes I suppose in theory I should kill you... but I won't. There's still much for you learn. Perhaps there may even be a chance to change your mind."

"I highly doubt that..."

"And yet you remain..."

Amelia could feel her blood beginning to boil. The man was impossible and she was glad she hadn't let herself be foolish enough to trust him. She was ready to rid of him and return home where she would happily put this unpleasant experience behind her, never be talked or thought about ever again.

"Do you wish to return to Boston alive or not?"

"By all means my dear please, lead on..."

The Templar chuckled deeply, angering her that much more with his overbearing smug attitude. It would thankfully take no more than just two days to get Boston. Amelia just prayed it wouldn't involve any more bloodshed, specifically the Grandmaster's.

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