After Concert

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"We love ya Las Vegas! Thank you for a wonderful show!" Yelled the singer with a large smile on his face and his arm reaching to pull the guitarist towards him. The guitarist with an equal amount of joy simply smiled back at the older man and playfully pushed him off after the crowd gave yet another wave of screams and claps. It was a good show for the band tonight, they had really put their all, and as always the backstage regimen consisted of laughter and resting.

Performing was in each of their bloods but Steven always felt so strongly about such things. Unlike other singers and musical artists Steven enjoyed his fame, of course music always came first but he enjoyed being known, being admired, loved, and just being an entertainer. The singer had been doing this with the rest of the band since the 70's, he had seen everything in show business and was still rocking hard. 5 decades later and he still felt young and vibrant.

I've seen the world, done it all
Had my cake now
Diamonds, brilliant, in Bel-Air now

Joe and Steven had gotten together around the year 1992 but had known that something was going on between each other since the moment they met. The news of them being together have always been a secret, they weren't sure how it would affect the band and their careers, so only family and a couple friends knew that they were an official couple. After almost an hour of just chilling backstage the boys headed home. Joe insisted on driving and honestly Steven had no energy to argue against it. It was these sort of moments when he realized just how age affected him. Sure, he had tons of energy but a concert was draining and somehow tonight he was just fully drained.

His birthday was approaching, a day that only reminded him that he was one year older, one more year to worry about wrinkles, looking good, staying in shape, and trying his best to keep his voice unchanged. Most importantly though trying to keep his biggest fear not get in his way. Every year he got older the fear increased, would Joe stop loving him?

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