Chapter One *Edited*

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This book might suck and updates are slow. This book is mature and full of graphic scenes and sexual content and harsh language read at your own discretion. 

A/N: Thanks for adding this probably boring book to your library and thanks for reading. As I said before I've never written a book that contains bdsm in it before so bare with me and keep that in mind.

PS: this isn't a full blown bdsm book. Meaning its not a book with bdsm smut only.

minor edits were made


I ran inside as fast as I could, forgetting to close the door behind me. I should've been here hours ago, Kline is going to be so pissed when he gets home and everything isn't in order. Sometimes I don't even know why I bother anyways, he always beats me even when I do exactly what he asked. When did I become so weak and fragile? I thought disgustedly to myself. Checking the time, I realized I didn't have time to dwell on it any further. So I began cleaning as quickly as possible making sure that everything was in place. I began cooking up some steak, mash potatoes and gravy. Not long after I'm finished cooking does the devil himself walks, more like stumble into the house.

I was so nervous my palms were sweaty. I didn't want to set him off. "What did I tell you about leaving the door open hmm?"

"I-I forgot am sorry." I bowed my head not making any eye contact, that would only set him off more. Am surprised he hasn't backhanded me by now for leaving the door open again. He usually hits me over the smallest things.

"Go close the door and get me my food now!" he shouted in my ears. I ran to the door and closed it with the key and placed it in the flower pot. Don't ask why. "Katherine!"

"Coming!" Help me Lord. I thought looking up to the ceiling. Sighing I went into the kitchen and served him his dinner. It's been 15 minutes and 45 seconds, and he hasn't made any outburst or violent move towards me. Not that am complaining or anything I just found it rather strange, he would beat on me every chance he got. He was sober by now, but that didn't last for long as I watched him down a bottle of wine. I stood behind him on, in the kitchen corner. Waiting. And then, he called me.


"I found something in your bedroom today." my body went rigid and my breathing became heavy. I begged that he didn't find the test in my room. He just couldn't. "Do you know what that is?"

I swallowed the lump in my throat before answering "n-no I-I-I don't."

"You don't huh?" I stayed quiet. My head snapped to the left as he slapped me. I fight back the tears and bit my lip from whimpering. If I cried or even made a sound the beatings would only get harsher and much worse. "You filthy, stupid, worthless bitch. How many times do I tell you? I DON'T WANT TO HAVE ANY KIDS WITH YOU. DID YOU EVEN TAKE THE DAMN PILLS?! ANSWER ME!"

"No" I whispered still holding my cheek that he slapped me on. He couldn't blame me I had ran out and I didn't get the time to run to the pharmacy to get any. And not long after had I given my reply had he elbowed me in the face. I stumbled to the floor, hitting the chair on my way down. He hovered over me and sent me blows after blows to the face. I tried blocking him but that only made it worse. He took me by my hair and dragged me down to the basement. "Please no! Am sorry! It was a mistake." I begged and pleaded as he dragged me painfully, by my hair to the basement.

All my begging fell on deaf ears. A loud smack echoed throughout the basement as my head snapped to the right again. My ears were ringing and my head was pounding.

"Shut up!" he shouted in my face. A small whimper managed to escape my lips. "I don't want to hear a sound from you. If you scream or even, make a sound you'll regret it." he sneered in my ears. I could hear the sound of my clothes shredding, the tears slipped down my cheek unwillingly as I stayed knelt down on the cold, concrete floor of what everyone knew as the basement. But what I knew as a room filled with torture, pain, darkness and blood. And so many unwanted memories. "Now count."

The first slash of the whip, across my back. Had me holding back a scream. "I Said count!" he gave me another one with more force than the other one. "One" I whispered as the tears kept on flowing down my cheek.

I was up to 30 lashes and I could feel blood dripping down my back, I had run out of tears to shed by now. My tear ducts were completely dry. How did I even come to this? From a girlfriend being loved by her sweet, thoughtful, compassionate boyfriend. To a slave/ punching bag/ play toy? My life just keeps getting better and better I thought sarcastically to myself.

"Thirty-five *whip* thirty-six" he was about to send another blow my way when the doorbell upstairs rang. And when that didn't seem to grab his attention the person began banging on his door. "Stay put and don't make a sound." I collapsed to the floor in relief as soon as he went upstairs.

Bless whoever rang that doorbell. I thought as I slipped into unconsciousness.

A/N: so this is the end of chapter one, sorry if its too short. Hope you guys enjoyed it, even though it was sort of disturbing. Please vote, comment, share and keep safe. Adios!

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