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The world is wide,open and free or so the humans think. Everyone knows what humans are like, they fight over petty things and they have narrowed views.

Not saying the others are not like this, all civilizations have the same problem but some are better at settling them unlike others.

You have the Wolves, they have ranks, rules and leaders that lead their groups called packs. The hierarchy by birth alone. All living among the humans,some even finding their Mates in the human, rare but it happens.

The Vampires are similar to the wolves in that they have a hierarchy and leaders, but unlike wolves they are chosen by strength and valor. They too live among the humans, alongside the humans they blend in well and very few are caught.

Then you come across the Fae, they live separate from the rest of the others, preferring their own company and most despising the human race, but not as such they do not play with the humans. They have hierarchy in strength, but this also comes from family strength. Truthfully not many know who their leader is anymore.

You also have the sub categories of others, like the succubus and incubus, dragon shifters( thought to be either in deep sleep or dead after many millennia without sighting, again hunted by humans),goblins, jinns, mermaids and sirens, witches and sorcerers, Valkyries and shield maidens and then last you have demon and angels but not like you think they are, they are not so cut and dried as that they are good or evil, they have no higher power. The angels have a leader, she has been in place for 890 years now. And the demons have their leader and like the angels she has been in charge for 900 years, little known fact- they are sisters.

But the one species that's gone and lost is the Shifters, over the years they died out and were lost among the humans. Some say they were hunted out of existence, some say the wolves killed them in jealousy that they had different shapes to them and were stronger. Most though believe that they were bred out, too many human mates made their genes to water out of existence.

But what the whole of the others do not know is that their makers are always watching and they love to play games with their creations every millennia or so, and the games are starting soon and up first is the Shifter God. He loved his creations but his forever partner the Wolf shifter creator loved hers too and together they had a plan to combine their children and to bring the shifters together for the future.

So He and his love made a new child and gifted the child with traits from both their creations and the gift of a soulmate, while She matched one of her strongest high leading wolves to the child they had made.

Now it was going to be an interesting game of chase, hunt and love ........they both were excited to see how they cope with the changes that were coming.

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