Fun Ch.6

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I got woken up by Harry I stood up, go to the bathroom i brushed my teeth and change my clothes I got out of the bathroom and brushed my hair "look at them they look like they're enjoying themselves" Harry stated not taking his eyes off the window I go to him and look at the window I saw pansy and hermione riding bikes, Ron and Blaise building sand castle "let's go?" Harry ask I looked at him and said yes we got down and Ron greeted us "you two made that?" I asked going to Ron and Blaise "what can I say? I'm so good at sands" Blaise said proudly "hey don't take all the credit!" Argued Ron. I laughed at their childishness pansy stopped hermiones bike as she almost hit me with the bike "I'm so sorry draco! It's my first time in a bike" Hermione apologized as embarrassment flows to her "it's okay" I replied "hey draco! Let's bike?" Harry asked I nod my head and come towards him Harry paid for the bikes and I hopped on

Few Hours

We sat on sand as we watch the sunset we were talking and laughing "Ron?" Someone said we looked behind and saw ginny "Ginny? What are you doing here?" Ron asked "I told you I'm going to the beach with my friends! I didn't knew you were here" she said as her smiles widened as she saw Harry "hello harry" she said Harry nodded "can I join?" She asked "of course" Hermione tells her she sat beside Ron..after a few moments I stood up "were are you going?" Harry asked "I'm going back" I replied and goes

I arrived at our hotel that's not so far from the beach I looked at the widow and watched them talking, then I remembered that I brought my ukulele I got my bag and took it...I played gurenge (pretend it's 2018 lol)

(I'm doing this English version and I'm writing it the way he sings it)
❤️ finally you've given me a reason to be strong now we'll stand hand in hand till the end.. despite the past mistakes we can't erase A future that we can escape as long as I can always keep you safe I gotta be strong so to your name I'll fight through the pain~ this world can beat me down a hundred times but into the light I'll always rise a lotus flower so pure right up to the end until it blooms...a bright red❤️

🌝I'll end this here cause I'm too busy singing along to first burn-

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