Beautiful Red Hair ch. 1

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Draco's POV:
I got woke up by a loud thud coming from my door, I checked to see what caused it "sorry..did I woke you up?" Pansy asked "yes. Why are you here?" I asked "well my best friend wasn't answering my calls so I thought he might be broken." She responded as she walked towards the bed and sat on it "Details now." She ordered. I told her everything "weaslette" she said in a cold tone voice "you know her?" I asked "of course I do..I heard she slept with many g-" "Pansy!" I interrupted her "what draco? I was just telling you the rumor that I heard. And besides since when did you turn so soft?" She asked with annoyance. 'She's right since when did I turned like this?' I sighed and sat on the bed "look pansy it's just.." "it's not like before." She finished it for me "y-your so selfish Draco. You- your always thinking about your self" she said to me as tears runs down her cheeks "Pansy..I-" I tried to speak but she cuts me off "talk to me when you've got your self together." She responded with a shaky  voice that I've never heard before, she stood up and slams the door.


I'm all Alone now..maybe pansy's right after all..I'm i..selfish? I thought to my self


"Dray? Dray!" Harry shouted I blinked and saw his hand waving "sorry..what did you say?" I asked "I said isn't Ginny so pretty?" He asked in a dreamy voice "yeah she is, you'd make a good couple, yeah" I responded starring at my phone "that's not what I asked but thanks.." Harry said quietly as he gets back to studying.   

"Hey draco" he starts again "hm?" I responded "what's your biggest mistake?" He asked with amusement. Tho I couldn't reply... "I don't know" I replied instead. I saw ginny coming over to our direction so I stood up "I'll go now, I'm going to be late" I excused my self. Harry looked a bit confused but didn't argue

"Draco!" Someone shouted. I stoped and looked at my back "dray I'm so sorry for yesterday, please forgive me" pansy apologized as she took my hand "Pansy it's okay..I'm sorry too" I apologized as I hugged her "hey you can't be hugging without me!" Someone shouted. We looked and saw Blaise we chuckled and hugged him too

Short as hec 🌚

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