New Friends and Books ch.3

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We headed to the library and placed our bags beside us. I stood up and checked the books I stopped and checked the book out "hey Hermione?" I called her "yes?" She came to me and saw the book I was holding " looks so old..I've never seen anything like it" she said "i wa showing to ask if you've seen it but I guess you haven't" we sat at the table "eating is more fun" Ron mumbled I laughed at that. I placed the book on the table and hermione starts to examine the book. I heard my phone buzz and saw that Blaise messaged me
Hey draco, where are you?
At the library why?
Remember the book that pansy showed us?
I do
It freaking works! Me and pansy have been thinking that there's more!
I found a book... it's very old just like
What pansy showed us
Omw with pans!!


"Wow" I heard hermione say "what is it?" I turned to her "it's just..werewolves, giants, goblins.." she tried to explain "what's a children book doing here?" Asked ron. I can see he's he's feeling curious "I'm sure I've read all the books in this section but I've never seen that one" she said. We heard a girl talking and guy that sounds like Blaise "Dray!!" Pansy hugged me so tight that I can't breathe "get off" Blaise set pansy down "sorry, who are you?" Ron asked, hermione hits him with a book on the head "ow" Ron quickly said "I'm pansy parkinson" Pansy said looking hermione in the eyes "Hermione Granger" she introduces herself

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