Chapter Five

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After meeting the rest of the Avengers you became one. It took you a while to stop mentally freaking out after Tony Stark asked you to become one. You got your own room in the Avengers tower that you stayed in half the time. You couldn't bare to leave your apartment forever. You went on multiple missions with the avengers including the one you were at now. You were raiding a HYDRA base. You were taking out guards when you heard Steve say, "Language!" You burst out laughing before realizing there was a whole lot of guards coming at you.

"Can I have some help?" You said over the comms.

"On it." Steve replied.

"Hold on, is no one going to comment that Cap just said 'Launguage?'" Tony said. You knew he was probably grinning under that mask of his.

"I know, I know, just slipped out." You turned to him, laughing. Suddenly, a whoosh of air ran by you and pushed you into a tree. You hit your head. Hard. Steve was spinning.

"Woah, What was that?" Steve said before seeing you on the ground. He could tell you were in pain. "Y/N are you alright?"

"Yeah, I..I'm fine." You tried to get up but failed.

"No, your not. Stay here. We will come back for you. There's no more guards and you should be fine." You just nodded.

"Clint's down." You heard Nat say over the comm.

"So is Y/N," Steve said. "Thor can you keep a close distance to her in case guards try to attack her?"

"Yes." Thor replied, you could see him fly over with mjolnir. He gave you a small grin and waved before he passed. Steve wrapped an arm around your back and your legs and lifted you up before putting you over by a tree so you could sit up.

You didn't even realize there was blood running down your face before Steve wiped some of it off your forehead. He cupped one of your cheeks with his hand, " I'll come back for you as soon as I can." He gave you a smile and you gave him a small one and he ran off.

You tried to keep your eyes open as long as you could. You saw Thor attacking some men trying to get to you and then everything went black.

When you woke up you were leaning on someone. It took you a second to realize that that someone was Steve. You were sitting in the Quinjet flying back to the tower.

"Your up." He said with a chuckle. You put your hand on your forehead and felt a bandage on the side of it.

"What happened?" You asked.

"Well. We beat them, to start off. But the kids got away." Tony said, now standing.

"What kids?" You were confused.

"There were two of them Brother and sister maybe. They looked around the same age so maybe twins. The boy was super fast and the girl she could bend your mind. Make you see things and she could see inside of my head. Oh she could also make things move with her mind." Tony looked angry.

"Do we know who they are?" Natasha asked. She was sitting in between Clint and Bruce.

"Not yet but we will." Tony replied.

When you got back to the tower you went to your room and changed into comfy clothes and grabbed your laptop. You plopped down on your beanbag chair next to your window-wall that over looked the city and checked on the Bucky situation. Ever since you woke up from the helicarrier mission you were determined to find him. You had all security cameras looking for his face, credit card info, phone services, ect, trying to find him and you would not give up on him. You felt the need to find him, to save him from HYDRA.

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