Chapter 19: The Sweet Life

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"Did you take that from my wallet?" Cody asked.

"Actually I took at 50, I just gave her 20 of it." Zack replied... for the last time...ever.

"Aaand CUT! That's a wrap boys! Good job!!!" shouted the director.

Dylan and Cole embraced in a hug for the last time as their characters Zack and Cody. I was watching from the audience. It was really sad watching the last episode of The Suite Life On Deck being filmed, but I know that it was a good journey for them and that they are ready to move on with their lives now.

They boys came down the stairs for the final time and everyone from the cast hugged it out on set for the last time. Debby, Brenda, Phill, Cole, Dylan and Matthew. There were others there as well including: Ashley Tisdale, Doc Shaw, Kim Rhodes and Emily Osment. Everyone said there goodbyes and said they will see each other later at the wrap party tonight.


I followed Dylan back to his dressing room.

"You know our college acceptance letter will be at home waiting for us in the mail box!" I said to Dylan.

"Yeah, don't remind me!" He said walking over to the couch and sitting down, looking tired.

"Try not to worry" I said smiling

"I'll do my best. Come here." Dylan said gesturing for me to come and sit on his lap. I did as he said.

I sat in his lap and he started rubbing my back.

"'I've had some good memories on this set, but one of my favourite ones would have to be the times you visited me. Even before we were going out, I always seemed to do my best performance when you were around." I just smiled, not knowing what to say, but Dylan caught me off guard and kissed me.

"We better get home, we need to start getting ready. Or at least you probably do."

"HEY!" I said hitting him playfully. "I don't take thaaat long to get ready."

"I know, I was just teasing. I love that you don't take too long. It means I get to spend more time with you."

"HA...HA. Nice save buddy." I said giving him one more kiss before standing up. "I think we should wait until tomorrow to open our letters. I don't want to ruin you and Cole's last day of being Zack and Cody."

"Yeah, okay, I think that's a good idea!" Dylan said smiling, getting up and starting to collect his things. "I'm really gonna miss this place."

"I know you will. I can't imagine what it must feel like."

"Well, it's not too bad because I still have you and Cole. I can't imagine what it's like for Brenda and Phill who have been on this journey just as long as us."

"I'm sure they will be okay. You guys will have to catch up heaps though. Like you still do with Ashley."

"Yeah I'm sure we will." Dylan said collecting the last of his belongings. "Well... that's it!" He said putting them into a box.

Dylan looked rather sad so I went over and hugged him from the side.

"Goodbye room! Thanks for the great memories." Dylan then opened his dressing room door for the last time and gestured for me to go first. He then came out after me with his hand on my waist and shut the room behind. We then went next door to find Cole and Emily so we could all go home.

Emily was staying with me tonight and for the next few days. I love spending time with her and we have gotten really close over the past year. She is like my best-friend. We love to compare stories about the boys and talk about clothes, food, TV shows, movies and basically everything!



"Hey Sam, how are you?" Ashley Tisdale said coming up to me and giving me a big hug.

"I'm great thanks, how are you?"

"Yeah I'm good, but I've been really busy lately. I saw you have finished school, congratulations."

"Thank you. And you saw?"

"Yeah!" She said with a giggle. "Dylan posts photos of you all the time on Instagram and Twitter. That's how keep up with everyone."

"Oh, yeah, I forgot about those." I said smiling.

Dylan came over and wrapped his arm around my waist.

"Not talking about me I hope." He said with a smirk.

"Nope.."I said smiling and giving Ashley a wink.I didn't want him to have a win this time.

"We were just talking about how bust everyone is these days. We rarely get to see each other." I said.

"We should set a date, a year from now, where we all have to catch up no matter what's on." Ashley suggested.

"Yeah, that's a good idea Ash. I'll go get others and tell them about it."

Dylan walked over to Emily and Cole and told them to come to Ashley and me. He also went and found Brenda and Phill. Everyone aggreed that it was a great idea. We decided we would meet here, in L.A. We will set a location closer to the date. After that conversation everyone seemed happier. I guess they were happy to know that tonight wasn't the last night they would spend together.


My Best Friends are Celebrities! - Cole and Dylan SprouseWhere stories live. Discover now