Chapter 14: Home

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We spent the rest of the date going on heaps of rides at the fair. Dylan bought us some chips and fairy floss (cotton candy) to share. Although it may not seem it, it was a very romantic date and we both had a good time. Dylan then after the fair closed proceeded to walk me back to the hotel. He was a true gentleman and said goodnight to me at the door.

"Sam, I hope you had a goodnight."

"Don't worry Dyl, I did!" I said with a smile.

"Good." He said looking deeply into my eyes. "Umm... I've booked another hotel room for tonight, so it won't be awkward."

"You didn't have to do that." I said picking up his hands, our fingers intertwining once again.

"I know, but I wanted to. I don't want things to move too fast. I really like you Sam and you are my best-friend. I really want this to work out."

I just smiled in return. Dylan then said goodnight and kissed me on the lips to finish what was the perfect date.

"I'll see you tomorrow." He said leaning out of the kiss and pointing his fingers at me.

"Alright, see you then." I replied with a wink as Dylan walked backwards and eventually around the corner out of sight.

I slowly closed the hotel door and leaned against the wall. I had the biggest grin on my face and nothing could wipe that away. I then got changed and hopped into bed and fell straight asleep thinking about Dylan and how he could not get more perfect.


We are back in L.A.

"Muuuuuuuuummmm!!!!!!!!" I shouted in a really Aussie tone.

"Yeeessss Saaammm!!!!" My mum replied from downstairs.

"Have you seen my dark denim jeans?" I yelled back.

"Yes. They are down stairs in the laundry!"

"Okaaaay! Thaaanks!" I replied back.

I quickly ran downstairs and put them on. I then ran into the study where my mum was on her computer.

"Heeeyyy muummm." I said to her wrapping my arms around her neck softly.

"What do you want Sam?" She replied in a sarcastic tone.

"Well Dylan has made up a picnic and wants to take me to the park. Is it okay if I go? I'll be home around 8pm."

"Yeah sure, go and have a good time." She said.

"Thanks mum." I replied as I gave her a kiss on the cheek. "You're the best!" I said as I walked out of the room.

"I know." She said laughing.

To 💙Dyl 💜

I can come :)

From 💙Dyl 💜

Yay :) I'll pick you up in 5 X

5 minutes later...

***knock knock knock ***

"I'll see ya later mum." I yelled as I ran to the front door. I then opened the door.

"Hello beautiful." Dylan said giving me a passionate kiss.

"Hi mister!" I managed to get out after we kissed.

"You all ready to go?" He said fixing his messy up styled hair.

"Yep let's go." I said closing the front door as we headed for the park.

"It is such a beautiful day." Dylan said as we walked towards the park holding hands.

"Sure is. The best part of it is spending it with the most handsome man I know!" I said bumping into Dylan on purpose.

"Haha very funny you little cutie." He said giving me a kiss on cheek

After about 10 minutes of walking we ended up at the park. Dylan lay the picnic rug out in the middle of a field. There were flowers surrounding us, birds chirping and the sun was shining brightly, it was like a scene from a movie.

Dylan then proceeded to set out all the food and the drinks as I sat on the rug and watched him.

"Are you sure you don't need any help Dyl?" I said looking up at him.

"Yeah, I'm nearly done anyway." Dylan said smiling back, while unpacking the last of the food.

"This all look amazing, Dyl."

"Well I only allow best for my princess." He said finally laying down snuggling into me.

I then lay back and we watched the clouds for a little bit. I had my head on his chest and his arm was around my neck holding my hand. It was perfect.

"Do you see that?" Dylan said pointing up at the sky.

"Yeah. You mean the clouds?" I said in a cheeky tone.

"Well yes, but do you see what shape they are making?"

"Not really, what can you see?" I asked softly.

"I can see a key and a lock."

"Wow you must have a really good imagination." I said sarcastically.

"Ha ha very funny Sam! No seriously, look." Dylan said gently grabbing my hand and pointing it to where the shape was. "Now do you see it?"

"Oh yeah, I actually can!" I said suprised. "That's so cool!"

After lying down for good 20 minutes Dylan said he was hungry.

"Alright big boy, what do you want to eat?" I said sitting up crossing my legs and looking at the food.

"I wouldn't mind a sandwich." Dylan replied.

"Okay." I said looking for it and then handing it to him.

"Why thank you!" Dylan said sitting up.

"I might have one too!" I said.

We both dug into our sandwiches looking occasionally into each others eyes and also looking back up at the sky. I also poored us some glasses of sparkling apple juice that Dylan had packed. We both raised our glasses and said,

"Cheers!" As our glasses touched and we then took a sip.


This scene is to be continued.......... And I haven't proof read it yet, sorry if there are any mistakes.

Ps: I hope you like this long chapter, I thought I owed it to you guys for being such loyal readers :)

PPS: please like and vote for my story, I love all the feedback and comments, they make me want to write more chapters :)

Thanks, Digstuf!

-a.k.a. Casey :) xx

My Best Friends are Celebrities! - Cole and Dylan SprouseWhere stories live. Discover now