Chapter 2: Surprise!

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**I woke up to someone knocking on my door.**

"Sam, there's someone here to see you!" my mum yelled from the other side of the door. I looked at my clock "SHIT!" It was 11am, I told myself I was going to have an early morning. I must have slept through my alarm.

"Give me five minutes!" I yelled frantically, it echoing through the whole house. I quickly got up, brushed my teeth, brushed my hair and got dressed. It was about a total of 4minutes. Geez, if I got up that quickly every morning before school, I could have more of a sleep in!

"Coming!" I yelled out as I ran down the 2 flights of stairs to the living room/kitchen.

"Oh, hey boys! I didn't know you were coming around this morning."

"We were just thinking, since you studied so hard for your exams and we have barley seen you and we know you are going to ace them, that you should have a nice day out with 'your' boys." Dylan said taking a big gulp of air after that long sentence.

"Haha that's sounds good, I just need to have breakfast."

"Nah, we'll get you some on the way" Dylan said as he grabbed my hand and we ran to the front door.

"Can I at least put some shoes on?"

"Haha yeah of course, but be quick. Also, I know this is going to sound weird, but get a bag and put enough clothes in it for a week, don't ask just do!" Dylan said with a grin on his face I ran around the corner and opened the door to the shoes cupboard.

"Eww!" That cupboard smelt like feet. Oh no I hope I don't smell. I need to go and put some perfume on. I quickly put my shoes on and ran past the boys so fast!

"Just getting some clothes, won't be a minute." I ran like my life depended on it, sprayed some perfume and got my purse which only had $50 in it. I stuffed some clothes into my duffle bag and hurried back downstairs.

I tried to make it look like I wasn't puffing, but I think they noticed.

"Ready?!" Cole said.

"Yeah, I think so. Where are we going?" I said as Dylan took my bag out of my hand.

"It's a surprise!" Dylan said cheekily. They looked very pleased with themselves for keeping the secret. Suddenly out of nowhere I saw Cole putting a blindfold on me. This better be good, I thought to myself.

The vehicle was very quiet but I could faintly make out the sound of a car. I honestly had no idea where they were taking me.

"I hope the sounds don't give it away!" Dylan said.

"I'm sure they won't!" said the boys' Dad Matthew, who must have been driving the car.

I felt the car jolt to a stop as I heard the door opening beside me. It felt like a 20 minute car ride.

"You ready?" Cole said as he held my hand to help me get of the car. "Watch out, there's a step in front of you!"

"Thanks!" I replied carefully placing my foot on the step of the car.

The air smelt different yet slightly familiar. I could hear many sounds I had heard before, but I couldn't quite put my finger on it. I could hear a lot of people around me as they made a breeze rushing in what felt like all directions.

"Okay, I'm going to take the blind fold off you now! But first, do you know where we are?"

"Umm.... I don't think so, all I know is I have been here before."

"Well that's correct." Cole said as he started taking off my blind fold.

As my eyes adjusted to the light, I saw a sign that read:


"OMG, we can't be at the airport!" My mind was spinning a thousand miles an hour. The airport was one of my favourite places, because it means you get to go anywhere in the world. I love travelling, all the culture, history, new places, new smells, new people. OMG YAY!

"Where are we going?" I asked.

" Somewhere where you have always wanted to go! NEW YORK!" Dylan said watching me carefully to see my reaction.

"OMG! New York really!?" i said gasping for a breath. "Why?"

"Because you studied for weeks for your exams and we know that you always get so stressed out about your results, but there is nothing you can do now except for relax." Dylan said




I wasn't feeling too good on the trip over because, I didn't know we were going on a plane, so I didn't pack my travel tablets. But when we took off and landed the boys took great care of me, making sure I was feeling okay and didn't need the vomit bag. They held my hands and I squeezed them tightly back.

"I can't believe I am going to New York" I squealed again.

"Haha well you better start believing soon. It isn't long until we land!" Dylan replied with a smile.

My Best Friends are Celebrities! - Cole and Dylan SprouseDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora