Getting Started And Spreading The Word

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Caro had never heard of a gift of this magnitude being given to the band before and she thought it would be a great idea to contact Adventures In Wonderland or AIW (Whom they bought their VIP and concert ticket from) in hope that they would let the band know the quilt was coming. So not only did Caro sign up for the project but she contacted Gina to share her idea. She loved it so much that she gave Caro the go ahead to call AIW. Not only that but Gina went on to create the Mars Quilt Project page on Facebook. Caro contacted AIW 2 months before the quilt was to be delivered, they congratulated them on their gift idea and said they would let the staff traveling with the band know that the gift was coming. Gina received an e-mail shortly there after from one of the road staff members guaranteeing "the quilt will be hung up for the band to see".

61 blocks where mailed out to 24 different countries all over the world (the U.S included). Each quilter decorated their own quilt block with their own unique and creative ideas. Once completed the blocks were sent back to Gina where she put the quilt together. As the blocks started pouring in she took pictures which she later posted on The Mars Quilt Project page and Instagram tagging all three band members and the AIW road staff member.

Gina and Caro took to Facebook Instagram and Twitter to promote the quilt. Tagging Jared, Shannon, and Tomo in every tweet and post in hopes that the band would see it. As the quilt came together and the concert day neared they continuously posted their progress on Twitter Instagram and Facebook, Shannon eventually saw the picture of the quilt and retweeted but it's uncertain if he evens remembers. All 63 quilters (Gina and Caro included) were excited and couldn't wait for the day when Gina would gift the completed quilt to 30 Seconds To Mars.

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