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You stared at Levi in shock when he said that. Never in a million years would you have imagined Levi being the father of your child that doesn't even exist. 

The woman you told to run did run but she was still in the area. In fact she was just a few trees away, watching and listening. 

"You!?" the man laughed lightly. 

"Ya. Got a problem?" Levi glared at him. You felt the man behind you shiver. 

"Now is my chance," you turned to the man with a sickly sweet smile.

"Though he may be the father...I wouldn't mind  having you as well," you mentally laughed when you saw his cheeks flare up. When he was distracted you brought your knee up and kneed him as hard as you could. He doubled over, holding crotch. You grabbed his knife and took off running, grabbing Levis hand as you ran.

"That was a good move," Levi smirked, suddenly feeling proud of you.

"Hehe thanks," you said. 

"This way!" the woman who you had saved earlier appeared from no where and ran ahead of you. You ran after her, your hand still linked with Levis as you ran. Heavy footing was heard, and shouting, behind you.

"They're catching up!" you cried out to the woman. She continued to run. It was then you noticed the glow of torches up ahead. When you got closer you saw a dozen or two men with pitch forks, knives, swords, arrows, in their hands ready to attack. 

"These two are my friends! They saved me from the bandits!" she yelled slowing her pace. The woman turned towards you with a bright smile. "You guys can stay with us! A pregnant woman shouldn't be traveling anyways."

"Ya...about that," you began. You and Levi were pushed behind the group of men as the bandits came into view.

"Ready boys!?" One of them yelled.

"Ready!" the all yelled back.

"Let's show these low life bandits not to mess with the woman in our village! Charge!" the men's battle cries echoed throughout the forest.

After 10 minutes or so of fighting they returned with grins on their faces. "Victory!"

"Let's go home and tell the village that Suzanne is safe and we gained another three members!" 

"Three?" you questioned tilting your head to the side.

"Your kid," the leader spoke.

"Oh..." you blushed. "How the hell do I tell them i'm not pregnant...?"

"Whats your name little lady?" One of them asked, slinging his sword over his shoulder.

"Oh um. (Y/n) and this is Levi. He's my..."you struggled to find the right words

"Fiance." he finished.

"Aren't you a little...young?" The leader man raised an eyebrow.

"Oh stop. We were 15 when we married." Suzanne smacked his shoulder lightly.

"Hehe. I guess so. The names Sebastian!" he grinned. "Come on. Let's go announce the good news!"

And off you were.

"Levi..." you whispered.

"I know..."

"What do I tell them?" you sighed.

"We'll have to tell them the truth," he shrugged.

"Is everything ok back there?" Suzanne glanced at the two of you. Levi and you exchanged glances.

"Umm Suzanne.. you know how I said I was pregnant?" you asked. 

She nodded. By this time all of them were looking at you.

"I um. It was a lie...to get the bandits off my back," you mumbled.

It was quiet. Too quiet.

"O-oh..." she sighed and slumped her shoulders. "We were really hoping to have a new born child in the village..."

"I-Im sorry!" You quickly bowed your head.

"No no its ok! So your not pregnant then is your not your fiance?" she asked pointing at Levi. You glanced at him.

"We're together. She's my fiance," he spoke. 

Your heart fluttered when he said this. "Don't tell me I have a crush on him!? Nope. I refuse to believe it!"

"Oh goodie! Then you can have your wedding at the village!" Suzanne took your hands in hers and smiled.

"Eh um sure. I guess. Is that ok with you...dear," you mentally smirked when you saw him freeze for a moment.

"Whatever," he grumbled.

"Wow your fiance is a little grumpy," Suzanne giggled.

"Ya. We didn't get much sleep last night. He's tired." you rubbed the back of your head.

"Don't worry little lady. We'll be at the village soon! just over that hill!" he pointed forward and you saw the hill he was speaking of.

"Great!" you grinned and the walk continued.

"Levi," you whispered again.

"What is it?" he said.

"You do realize we will be getting married," you looked at him. His eye twitched.

"I know this!" he sighed.

"The what the hell do we do!? I'm to young to get married. And marriage is all about love and stuff!" you hissed quietly. Levi decided to lighten the mood and smirked. 

"What are you say?" he said loud enough for everyone to hear. "Are you telling me you don't love me?" he feigned hurt.

Your face invented a new shade of red. "I-I um..Uhh.." everyone was looking at you.


"I-its not that you're not attractive, which you, very attractive I might add," you struggled to find the right words.

"So it's true! You don't love me! And here I thought we were going to get married and have beautiful kids together!?" You were feeling so embarrassed. Everyone was watching the two of you. You were almost positive they were silently judging you and you knew Levi was faking the entire thing. Why? Who knows.

"Damn it Levi!" You snapped. You grabbed the collar of his shirt, bringing him down to your level, and with a great amount of force, bravery and courage, you smashed you lips to his. You kept your eyes closed while his was wide open. Eventually, he melted into it, slipping his arms around your waist. You snaked your arms around his neck, deepening the kiss. It was nothing more than a simple kiss, no tongue action or anything like that.

The two of you pulled apart for air.

Both you only inches apart. 

Stranded -Modern Levi Rivaille-Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora