Chapter 26: Good Night

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[Tuesday, June 1st, 2010 - 5:56 AM]

Haz: I'm exhausted, I think I better head off to bed.

Tommo: is there even a point if we need to be up in 3 hours?

Haz: Ah, not me, mate.

Haz: I'm nocturnal now.

Tommo: is that right?

Tommo: how have you been going to school then?

Haz: Right, sorry, I forgot you're a dinosaur.

Tommo: i prefer the term 'cap after he woke up in modern day'

Haz: There's this thing called technology, okay? Following so far?

Tommo: oh, sod off

Haz: Lemme spell it out for you - I N T E R N E T.

Tommo: how do you think i'm communicating with you right now then, smart ass?

Haz: Potato.

Tommo: on that note, i'm leaving

Haz: Alright, good night, Lou.

Tommo: night, h

Haz: Oh, wait I forgot to mention something.

Haz: I found this new song that I think you should check out.

Tommo: cool, great

Haz: I'll send the link tomorrow.

Tommo: sounds good

Tommo: night, h

Haz: Good night, Lou.

Tommo: do you think lights could be sentient?

Haz: No.

Tommo: ok

Tommo: night, h

Haz: Good night, Lou.

Tommo: could aliens be real?

Haz: Oh, don't get me started on that right now.

Haz: But for the record, they most definitely are.

Tommo: do you think they're watching us?

Haz: Us?

Haz: Definitely not.

Tommo: right then, good to know

Haz: You're too boring for them to observe.

Tommo: that was an unnecessary jab

Haz: What? I'm just being honest, wouldn't want the fame to go to your head.

Haz: I mean you already won't shut up about the MILLIONS of boys lining up at your doorstep, so could you imagine how ANNOYING you would be if there were intergalactic boys thrown into the mix too?

Haz: God, I don't think we would ever be able to have a normal conversation again.

Tommo: you're just jealous that the aliens like me more

Haz: Agree to disagree?

Tommo: that's what losers say

Haz: You must say it quite often then.

Tommo: *reverse uno card*

Haz: Weak.

Tommo: christ, i'm turning into you now, aren't i?

Haz: I dunno.

Haz: Tell me a fact then. That's the only way we'll be able to tell.

Tommo: well, i've heard that hippo milk is pink.




Tommo: oh god, oh god, i thought this was just in me nightmares.

Haz: Next thing I know, you'll be shaving your legs.

Tommo: never.

Haz: Maybe you'll get better speed on the football field.

Tommo: that is actually a good point, hazza.

Haz: The smooth surface will give you better aerodynamics.

Tommo: you know you've got me proper curious now.

Tommo: i'll do it, but only for the purpose of science.

Tommo: i wonder if i've got any of them razors around here.

Haz: Ah, now's a bad time. You'll be more sloppy if you're tired.

Haz: We wouldn't want your first time to hurt, now would we?

Tommo: that's what she said

Haz: And he's back.

Haz: Intellectual Lou was fun while he lasted.

Tommo: legend says he only comes around every 17 years

Haz: See you in 2027 then.

Tommo: oi

Tommo: don't be a shit

Haz: Wasn't I supposed to be asleep right now?

Tommo: oh yeah

Tommo: i think we said we were gonna do that

Haz: Good night, Lou.

Tommo: night, h

Tommo: wait, but lumière from beauty and the beast is a sentient light

Haz: Sweet god, you're right.

Tommo is typing...

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