Surprise from Travis

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Peyton's POV

I woke up this morning from an ear piercing squeal from Cindy. I shot up out of bed and swung my left fist in the direction I heard the squeal from.

"Ow! That wasn't very nice of you Peyton!" she wined.

I shook my head and unraveled myself from the blanket and walked out of my room and into Raine's room. She still layed fast asleep and wrapped up in her blanket. "Um how is she still asleep it's eight thirty in the morning." I mumbled more to myself than anything but it didn't stop Cindy from jumping in.

"Well actually your mind is going crazy because it is actually four in the morning and before you say anything we need to be up early we have a early spa appointment and I already called Liam and he said he would be over in an hour and that was about fourty five minutes ago. So...uh.. let's go chica get your booty downstairs." she turned on her heel and left the room.

I sighed in frustration and silently cursed Travis in my head for making me have to deal with them by myself because he decided to be romantic.

Don't get me wrong I love the twins but they can be a bit much. I don't mean my twins either.

I walked downstairs and started making a pot of coffee. "So..Whats the plan for today?" I asked. I hoped it wouldn't be a extremely busy day I mean I have makeup and the girls brought the dresses and we chose one, so what else could there be? For my luck though, the girls planned an extreme busy day starting right after Liam gets here to pick up Raine since it's a long drive to the spa.

They planned everything.


Nail salon for mani-pedi's.

Hair salon. Apparenlty my long hair needs touch ups.

Mac and Sephora.


Going back to the house.


Getting my hair done how the girls want.

Then makeup.

Then getting dressed and then Travis comes to pick me up.

I'm in hell today.

----------------------------------------Later that day---------------------------------------

"Can we go home now?" I asked. My feet were killing me and I just wanted to go home and sleep or at least welcome the warm water from the shower to help relax my muscles a little bit.

"Yes Peyton. Let's go back and then we will finish. It's two fourty five anyways and well Travis picks you up in less than five hours so we have to hurry." Sidney jumped up and grabbed all the bags and hurried to the car.

Lord help me.

Once we were home, Sidney pushed me all the way to the bathroom and started the shower water before leaving and closing the door.

It was now almost three fifty and I only had a few hours to get ready and I didn't care what the girl's wanted. I was taking a shower and then relaxing in a bath. I took a quick shower and placed the plug in the drain and laid down. I set a thirty minute timer on my phone so I would be out by around four thirty and be able to still get ready by the time Travis was home.

The tub filled up and I shut the water off. "Peyton hurry up!" Cindy yelled through the closed door. I mumbled an 'Okay' and leaned back against the tub.

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