Dinner Plans

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Chapter 17

Peyton's POV

After spending a week with out the kids, I began to do a lot of thinking. Liam seemed to have grown up some but one can never be so sure which is why I had my brother stay with him.

My brother told me everything that happened. Especially from the late nights Liam would get up with the twins and he would tell them all kinds of stories.

I realized while they were gone that I can't keep them from him and I certainly did not want to have to deal with the court system. I knew if Liam would't go to court then his mama would.

A few minutes later Travis came in and sat down next to me on the couch. "What are you doing Ms Carson?"  he pulled my legs onto his lap while the rest of my body rested on the comfortable back of the couch.

"Thinking.' I told him putting my book that I was holding but not reading, on the coffee table.

"I thought I told you that was a bad thing. You think of bad ideas that or you give your self headaches." he chuckled.

I picked the book back up and smacked his arm with it and then set the book down on the table again.

"I'm sorry babe listen let me make it up to you. Let me take you out to dinner tomorrow night. Well honestly you don't have much of a choice. I already set it up. My two older cousins, you know the twins Sidney and Cindy, are coming over and are going to help you get ready. They are actually on their way here. I want everything to be a surprise and so I'm leaving tonight and I'm picking you up tomorrow night at seven thirty and we have dinner reservations at the Cheesecake factory. Well I'm going to go pack a small bag."  he laid my legs on the couch and got up and ran upstairs.

I sat there with my mouth opened shocked. I did not see that coming. 

The doorbell rang and I got up and walked to the door. I looked through the peep hole and saw Cindy and Sidney jumping up and down happily ringing the doorbell over and over again. I sighed and opened the door.

"Peeeyyytooon!!"  they squealed my name and ran into the living room. Travis came down stairs with both the babies except Michael was in his car seat and he was just holding Raine in his arm. "Babe? What are you doing? Why are you taking a car seat for one and not the other? I'll be damned if I let you take her out with out a car seat." I said.

He laughed and shook his head.

"Babe I'm not taking Raine anywhere. I'm taking Michael with me. Raine will stay with you. I'm taking michael because it's not fair for the little man to be stuck with a bunch of girls." he walked over and laid Raine in her bassinet.

I got up and gave both him and Michael a kiss and said good bye and watched the car pull out of the drive way and went back to the girls. Sidney was pulling out all the make up and dinner date dresses and Cindy was holding Raine and playing with her.

"So...uh...w-what are we going..to..uh..do? I mean like right now? We could watch horror movies and eat ice cream." I said trying to get them to forget about the dresses and make up.

Sidney shot me a knowing look. I dropped my eyes to the floor not meeting her gaze.

"Or you guys could dress me up like a doll and figure out what outfit you guys want me to wear for tomorrow night because thats what is more fun for you guys." I looked up under my eyes lashes and they started busting up laughing.

Raine got scared and began to cry. I walked over and picked her up.

"Shh honey its alright. Raine it's alright sweetie." I rocked her in my arms and soothed her gently trying to calm her down. When nothing and even the girls couldn't get her to stop crying, I called Travis.

He rushed back home and with out Michael since he was staying at his moms house he just left him there with her.

"She doesn't have a fever and I don't know what to do. I've literally tried everything even the things my mom said and she hasn't stopped crying." I sighed.

"Well not everything babe. Try calling Liam maybe he could do something." he handed me my phone from the coffee table and I went to Liams contact which says Big Head and called him.

After about four rings he picked up. "Hello?" he said groggily. "Liam? We need you. Raine needs you. She won't stop crying and..." A slam from his end of the line.

"Say no more I'm on my way." he hung up and I let Travis know he was coming over.

"If you need anything else just call me and I will come back." he said. I nodded my head and watched him leave for the second time.

Raine continued to scream and cry for the rest of the time until Liam got here and he grabbed her from my arms. A minute or so later she stopped crying and was sound asleep.

"Thank you so much." I gave him a warm smile and sat down motioning for him to sit down as well. "So what are you girls doing?" he asked trying to make conversation. "Travis is taking Peyton out to dinner tomorrow night and we are here to help her decide what she is going to wear and help her get ready tomorrow."Cindy began twirling her hair around her finger as she explained everything to Liam.

He situated himself in his seat and looked down at Raine who was still sleeping in his arms.

"I guess she is going to be a daddy's girl." I laughed. "Or she could be a mommy's girl." he said.

Sidney started laughing quietly and Liam, Cindy and I looked at her confused. "I was just laughing because you said daddy's girl and he said mommy's girl and in my head I was thinking both you guys could get screwed and she could be the trouble maker and make both your lives hell because she didnt get the barbie she wanted or she didn't get the right phone case." her laugh got a little louder and Liam gulped.

Lord please don't let that happen.

(A/N: Okay guys so I lied. The next chapter will be the final chapter and the the epilogue will be posted. I'm going to try and post the next chapter later tonight and post the epilogue tomorrow or I'm going to post them both tonight.

Question: I'm already going to do a short book form Liam's perspective but for the twins they each are going to get there own book and I was wondering whose book you guys want to see first? Little Michael or Baby Raine's?

Let me know in the comments.

Don't forget to COMMENT/VOTE/FOLLOW.  Love you guys!)

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