Chapter 15.

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Chapter 15. Hatred At First Sight

I was convinced. I went over and changed out of my school uniform and into a black hoodie and dark blue denim jeans. I kept on my red oversized shoes and grabbed my box cutter from my draw which I kept for.... reasons. But I have a strong feeling I won't be needing it to cut myself anymore... and a part of me slightly was against that idea but majority of me thought that it was perfectly okay.

I stuck the box cutter into my pockets and walked out of my room, only to be greeted by a person I did not expect to see me at this hour.
"Eri? What are you doing? I thought you were going to the hospital."
"I actually haven't been going to the hospital lately. Overhaul said..."
"Oh okay..."
"So where are you going?"
"Uh... Somewhere.."
"Where's somewhere?"
"Don't worry about it.."
"You don't seem so okay Deku..."
"I'm fine."
"Really? Y-You know you can talk to me right?"
"I said I was fine. I have to go now."
I start to walk away, not wanting to be upset with Eri.
"What have you and Overhaul been doing lately?"
I stop dead in my tracks.
"I don't want to talk about it."
She flinches.
"D-Does it have something to do with what you're doing now..?"
"Jut stop Eri! You have no right to involve yourself in my business!"
Eri starts crying.
"B-But Deku... O-Overhaul is..."
"It's safer for you if you don't involve yourself Eri."
And with that I walked off, regretting my words against Eri.
"I'm sorry Eri."

Eri's P.O.V
I haven't talked to Deku in months... Overhaul has been with him and has limited our contact. The only times I really see him now is when Overhaul has him watch him take me apart.... I'm started to think Deku hates me so I went to confront him when Overhaul was busy talking to a member of the Yakuza. But when I went to confront him, I saw that he was leaving. I asked him what he was doing and said I shouldn't worry. And then I asked him what he had been doing with Overhaul and he got defensive. And... he yelled at me and then said it was safer for me to not worry about it. What did that mean? What has Overhaul been doing to Deku... I stared at him as he left, his back facing me.

I hope he doesn't hate me...

Izuku Midoriya's P.O.V
As I excited the Yakuza I noticed how dark it had got.
"I would say that it's about 8pm."
I shrug and start walking towards the main city. There's more victims there. Might find an alleyway or something but that's a bit too cliché. Though, it is the most effective if you think about it.

About an hour later I found myself arriving in an alleyway. It's not that special so it'll do. Well, I guess any alleyway would do honestly. As my hands are in my pocket I start to play with the box cutter. I should probably change the blade when I'm back at the base. It's getting a bit dull by now. I smirk. But it will make it better to kill someone tonight. They'll be in a little bit more pain ~

I lean against the brick wall, not daring to draw my blade. I look towards all the people. I wonder who would be the first to fall victim to me. As I am watching the passerby's, my first victim had arrived. I clenched onto my blade as I simply smiled and walked up to him.
"Hey um... excuse me...? Sir?"
I had my face show a worried and scared sort of face.
"Oh. Yes?"
He took a look at my face and I saw his fall under worry.
"I-I'm a bit lost. And I'm kinda scared." I laugh nervously. "Quite embarrassing..."
"How old are you kid?"
"Me? Oh, I'm 15."
"Oh so you're quite young."
I nod while hiding a hidden smirk.
"Well if you just go out of this alleyway I'm sure there's many places you can go to help.
"I've tried them already."
He noticed my change in temperament.
"W-Well I'm sure there's more help out there than I can offer. Sorry kid."
I laugh softly.
"You don't get it do you?"
"Only you can help me now!"
I laugh as I grab out my box cutter, extending the cold metal blade. Stabbing the blade into his shoulder, twisting it a bit. He screamed out in pain which was the best melody I could have heard in a million years. I smirk.
"Tell me mister. What's your quirk?"
"I-It's just a weak one!"
I laugh again, twisting the blade more, earning even more screams.
"A 'weak one' you say!?"
I laugh louder.
"See! This is what is wrong with this society!!"
"People keep mentioning that they have such a weak quirk..."
"W-What's Wrong with that...?"
I erupt in laughter as I harshly pull out the blade, proceeding to point the bloodied metal at his face.
"When your complaining that you weren't blessed with a strong quirk... Whining! Mumbling! Bitching!! How do you think the quirkless feel!? They were never even blessed with a quirk!!"
I laugh loudly again, my eyes becoming wide, a crazed look on my face.
"So don't go blabbering about having a weak quirk..."
"Cause until you know what the quirkless is forced to go through in this fucked up society, You have no right."
And with that I stabbed the box cutter into his neck, doing a full 180 turn and then pulling it out, watching the victim bleed out.

I then hear clapping behind me. And as I turn to see the source, I see a male what looked to be around my age. I turned around fully to get a better look at him. His hair is what stood out the most, red on the left and white on the right, even split down the centre. On his left, there lay a pink burn scar that helped made his electric blue eye stand out more. On his left there he had a hazel eye. He was captivating. Something someone could easily fall for.
"Should I regard you as a witness and just kill you?"
"You're feisty."
"I'm just not in the mood."
I look back at the body.
"I'm a little... pissed."
"Yes. I did happen to hear the conversation."
"You were eavesdropping?"
"I believe so, yes."
"Damn bastard."
He smirks.
"So what's your name, quirkless Broccoli."
At this point I was furious. Just who was he to say all of this!?
"I don't have to tell you anything! Burnt-! ...."
I went silent thinking of an insulting nickname to call him, but nothing came to mind. I erupt in a blush out of embarrassment. I was never good with coming up with names...
He laughs as he comes closer to me, smirking.
"Were you trying to insult me?"

This book has been growing like crazy! 😭😭
I love you guys all but I honestly don't think I deserve all this love! 💖

We are already at 6k Reads and about 240 votes!

I love reading all of your comments and honestly some of them make me laugh 😂 I only dreamt of my writing being this popular T^T.
But the offer still stands! Leave questions you have for me and I'll answer them the next time I update if I have enough!

I love you all! See you in the next chapter!!

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