Chapter 6.

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Chapter 6. The Truth Revealed

Katsuki Bakugo's P.O.V
I sit in my usual seat, my feet resting upon the top of the desk. It's been a week since Deku disappeared. I've been a mess for some goddamn reason. He was just a nerd why was I so caught up on this!? Maybe it's the fact that my parents are a mess as well. Especially my mother. She was best friends with Inko so she swore to herself to protect her son for her sake, which I think is stupid. The damned woman committed a grave crime! That's why she got killed. Sentenced with a death sentence. Fucking Deku said she was framed. Though. I must admit it was out of character for the woman. But it's not like it was my mother's fault for that. So why does she feel she have to take responsibility? Cause the damn nerd is an orphan!? That's not even true! His father is still alive! Just no where to be seen! Tch.
As I continue deep in my thoughts, I suddenly get interrupted by the teacher speaking.
"As we end the end of the year, it's best that we think of the highschool choices you have. Some of you have already submitted your plans. But make sure you have a backup school in case you don't get into the one of your choice."
"Why would I need to have a backup!? I'm getting into UA! I'm not some extra like the rest of you!" I smirk to myself as I cockily say that out loud to the class. The teacher sighs.
"Thank you for that Bakugo. You may sit down now."
I sit down like the teacher instructed me.
"Looks Like Midoriya also planned on going into
As the teacher looks through the submissions of the class a student raises his hand to say something.
"Sir. What happened to Midoriya? He hasn't been to school for more than a week."
The rest of the class brake into murmurs while I silently look out of the window.
"I think it's time I should address that issue. The teachers tried to not address this topic but we can't help the curious minds."
The class goes silent to wait for the teacher to speak again.
"As some of you know Midoriya was bullied at school. We would address that situation alone but we have no evidence to who is doing that. But that will be later discussed. Anyways. With the bullying and other personal matters, he is was diagnosed with. Server Depression. He tried to kill himself about a week and a half ago. He was caught and admitted into a hospital, which he stayed there for a couple of days. And just a week ago, he jumped."
The class stayed silent.
"Anyways. Now that is addressed, let's start the lesson."

Izuku Midoriya's P.O.V
Overhaul placed a oh too familiar box on the table in front of me.
"What's this." I questioned even I know exactly what it was for.
"Anti-depressants. Take them."
"I don't need them..."
"You have depression do you not?"
"I said I don't need them."
"Just take them."
"I don't need them!"
I pick them up forcefully and throw them at the wall.
"I'm not broken!"
Overhaul leans down near my ear and whispers.
"Oh but you are."
He then stands up straight again.
"I'll come and get you in an hour. I'm going to show you something."
I just sit there as he starts to leave the room.
"Glad you understand."
This previous week has been hellish. Overhaul keeps trying to shove medication down my throat as he whispers the truths that I want to refuse that are actually truths. And in the night I hear the screams of Eri when she's being taken apart bit... by... bit... then put back together. I've tried to stop it once or twice but I just end up being forced to watch, Overhaul saying that I had to build up a tolerance if I wanted to be useful to the yakuza. I end up comforting Eri afterwards as best as I can but it never seems to be enough. For the both of us.

The hour passed and Overhaul came to collect me, giving me a black mask as he always does if I leave the base with him. I put it on, slightly afraid of what he might do if I didn't.

I continue to follow him through the dark streets of the city. We ended up walking into an alleyway nearby, going to the very end of it and walking down another path till we get to a little clearing. It looked dodgy. Like something you'll see in a movie. An unidentifiable liquid flowed in the cracks of the broken bricks beneath your feet, one single street lamp was the only light source, illuminating the middle of the clearing, where a lonely, worn down, plastic chair sat, the light flickering on and off with an exposed wire hanging from it, a bit of sparks flying in different directions from the end of the wire. Overhaul stood in the middle, completely comfortable in the environment we are currently in as I stood in the back, letting the darkness cover my scared expression I currently show on my face. Overhaul clapped, his loud noise echoing through the empty space as two guys drag a woman that looked like she was in her early 20's, filled with injuries already, into the light and forcefully sat her down in the chair and tied her up with anti quirk rope as I was told by Overhaul. The woman had a on a beige and purple bodysuit that had orange trim on it and had purple horns and a mask that was also purple.
She seemed familiar.
"N-No way! That's Mt. Lady! T-The new hero who recently debuted just at the start of the year!"
Overhaul Laughs.
"You know your stuff. Anything else?"
His eyes Glares daggers into my soul. I had no choice but to give all the information I had on her. Well all that I remembered since Kacchan destroyed my notebook with all my information in it.
"H-Her name is Yu Takeyama, Pro Hero name Mt. Lady. Age 24... her Quirk is Gigantification I-It allows her to drastically increase her size to gigantic levels."
Overhaul Pats my head roughly as I feel him smirking at me from underneath the mask.
"Seems like you'll be more useful to me than I first thought. Now sit back and watch. I think it's about time I start training you. What do you think? Deku."

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