Chapter 1.

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Chapter 1. Izuku Midoriya

My head collides with the tiled floor for what seemed to be the 100th time. By this point I was getting lightheaded and my vision was definitely blurred. I weakly lifted my head to glance at the cause to my terrible condition. It was a guy from my class... of course. Yet another day of teasing and bullying for none other then the quirkless All Might wannabe, Izuku Midoriya. And yep. You guessed it.

That's me...

My name is Izuku. Though, you already know this.. I'm a third year in middle school. Age, 15.. and my life is the embodiment of a living hell..

As I try my hardest to sit up, I watch my tormentor make a run for it. A teacher no doubt.. They always find out somehow.. and they always come too late. Go figures right? Sensei comes into the classroom and goes over to me.
"Again Midoriya? Why don't you speak up? We can stop this.."
Sensei Stands me up and starts to help me walk to the nurses office. I pretty much live there. And I always seem to have at least a couple of bandages on me. For reasons other than the bullying...
I get seated onto the bed of the nurses office then the teacher leaves after saying that she'll come back with my stuff. Another day without completing a day of school. The nurse come up to me and starts tending to the wounds on my face.
"What did they do this time Izuku?"
"Is it important? It's not like they'll stop.."
The nurse is a person I trust.. it's not like I have a lot of those people though. She knows most about my situation.
"Take your shirt off. There's probably more under there."
I do as she instructs and I feel her gaze upon my bloodied bandages that are covering my wrists.
"Still cutting I see.."
I stay silent.

She doesn't question me and starts to tend to the wounds that were hidden underneath my shirt.
"How's living with the Bakugo's?"
I simply shrug and stare at the blank, crisp white wall that I'm oh too familiar with.

I started living with my childhood friend, Katsuki Bakugo after my mother died. She was killed from being framed by an unknown person. They don't know she was framed. But I do... My mother would never do anything like that..
She was so kind and loving.. the only one that truly got me..

After her death, Mitsuki, Kasuki's mother, took me in. She's very kind and I love her but she's not my mother.. and it's kind of hard living under the same roof as their family.. especially how Katsuki torments me secretly.

"You should just take a swan dive off of the building and maybe you'll have a quirk in your next life!"

His words replayed over and over again in my head.. maybe I'll be born with a quirk in my next life..

My thoughts get interrupted by the door opening and the teacher from before stepping in.
"I've already sorted everything out Midoriya. You're free to leave as soon as you're treated. Also. I recommend having some pain killers."

I nod as I grab my stuff from her and place it next to me. Then she leaves again, closing the door. The nurse finishes up then walks over to the medicine storage as I put my uniform shirt back on, adjusting it after. I get handed a glass of water and two small white tablets.

"Some pain killers."
"Thank you.."
I place the tablets in my mouth and bring the cup up to my lips, taking in some of the liquid in to help me swallow the dry pills.
"Are you Okay to walk home?"
I nod as I place the glass on the table closest to me.
"Thank you for your concern.."

She smiles at me.
"Be careful now and until next time." She quietly laughs to herself, finding the little joke she made funny. It wasn't exactly funny though..
She goes silent.
"Sorry. That was insensitive. But I'll see you around?"
I nod.
"Thanks again Nurse."
And with that I get off the bed and swing my bag over my back, slipping my arms into the straps so it rests on my shoulder.
"Cya, Izuku."
I slightly smile back towards her and walk out of the nurses office and towards the entrance of the school. Only to get stopped by none other than Katsuki Bakugo. He says nothing and just Glares at me.
"Yes Kacchan...?"
"Going home early again? Tch. Such a wimp. Just because your quirkless doesn't mean you can run from your problems! I mean look how your mother turned out!"
I clutch my hands tightly, the tips of my fingers becoming white.
He always brings up my mother.. and how she ran away from her problems, ending up dead.
"Like I said.. she was framed..!"
He scoffs then walks away. Of course he doesn't believe me.. no one ever does.. I keep my head down and my eyes glued to the floor the rest of the way to the Bakugo household.
I clutch the cold metal handle, opening the door, stepping inside then closing it behind me. I slowly take my shoes off and set them to the very corner like I normally do. I then walk towards my room, mumbling a small 'I'm home' as I pass Mitsuki and Masaru. I hear them reply as I shut the door to my room, placing my bag in its usual spot, not bothering to unpack it, and then changing into my usual white shirt and some long black pants. It's not like I hide all my bandages.. it's not like I care.. but I see how they worry about me.. I wish they didn't care. It would be easier for me that way.. I make my way over to the cupboard with all the first aid in it, grabbing a fresh roll of bandages and placing it on my desk next to it. I then start to unwrap the bloodied bandages from my wrist, examining the cuts.
"They don't look bad.." I mumble to myself as I cover them up with the fresh bandages, disposing of the old bloodied ones. I then walk to my bed and sit down, my back against the headboard. I dive into my draw that's placed next to my bed and grab out a picture of my mother and I.

As I look at the picture, examining it, all the moments I shared with her flooded my mind. It's only been a year but how I still miss her. I mean my life was hell before but I kept hope. Because she didn't stop believing in me.. I mean yeah there were a couple of moments here and there but we're only human.. at least she was... I was never treated like a human. I mean I'm still not one in lot people's eyes..

I sigh as I press the photo against my lips then I place it back into the draw, closing it gently then laying down on the bed, one of my sides facing the ceiling. As more memories of my precious mother fill my head, I enter a state of blissful sleep..

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