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"Most likely to least likely to take you on a mission."


1. Ticci Toby
2. BEN Drowned
3. Clockwork
4. Nurse Ann
5. Jane The Killer



Ticci Toby & BEN Drowned: They would be totally down to let you come with them. You wouldn't have to ask them twice. They would make sure you have everything you need and out the door you are, but make sure you're always by their side because they could accidenally leave you behind.

Clockwork: I think it would depend on her mood. If she's in a good mood, she'll just tose you her knife before walking out the door. If she knows she's going to have someone that's going to be hard to kill, she doesn't want you tagging along. 

Nurse Ann & Jane The Killer: Jane 100% doesn't want you coming with her since she doesn't want you getting hurt or possibly dying. Ann is kinda on edge with you traveling along, and she doesn't want you getting in the way of her victim. 

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