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"Most to Least likely to freak out if their S/o became a proxy?"


1. Jane The Killer
2. Homicidal Liu
3. Eyeless Jack
4. Nurse Ann
5. Jason The Toymaker
6. Clockwork



Jane The Killer & Homicidal Liu: they both lost people close to them, so the thought of you becoming a proxy is horrifiying to them. Being a proxy isn't easy and you could easily lose your life quickly. With that being said, they were willing to open their hearts again to you, but to have you quickly ripped away from them would cause them immense pain.

Eyeless Jack & Nurse Ann: I mean, they both work in the medical field, so I don't think they're that worried. If you end up getting hurt, they'll be there to help you, but if you're dying and they can't save you, they would feel like it was their fault that you're gone.

Jason The Toymaker & Clockwork: They're pretty meh about you becoming a proxy. Jason doesn't think much about it but would freak out if you got hurt. Clockwork doesn't understand why Slender has proxies so she would be more annoyed that he dared to touch you and make you one of his mindless puppets.

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