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"Most to Least likely to dance in front of the others?"


1. Ticci Toby
2. BEN Drowned
3. Hoodie
4. Jeff The Killer
5. Masky



Ticci Toby & BEN Drowned: literally don't care if people see them dance. Toby would usually dance when he's in a good mood, so even though he's not a good dancing, people seeing him dance doesn't even cross his mind until he turns around and makes eye conact with them. BEN only dances when he wins at a game, so many of the Creeps aren't surpised anymore by him.

Hoodie: he's kinda meh with dancing. He also only dances when he thinks he's alone or if he's in a good mood. He doesn't go full out dancing, the most he'll do is weird hand gestures and little head movement. He gets really embarassed when he realizes someone was watching him the whole time.

Jeff The Killer & Masky: they rather die than let anyone see them dance. Masky isn't a dancer and if he does, it's a weird hand gesture and a little spin on the heel. Jeff would go all out with his body as he dances, but if someone catches him dancing, he will threaten them not to tell anyone else.

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