Chapter One; Jefferson, Georgia

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The radio was playing Then by Brad Paisley, Briar was singing along softly beside me, and Coy was in his car seat snoozing away. It had been a three and a half hour ride from Grayson to Jefferson. We had ten minutes left until we got to our new home.

"Are you excited?" I asked Briar.

He shrugged, "I'm not sure yet."

I nodded understanding what he meant, "I think you'll like it once school gets started and you can make some friends." I said.

"Probably. Is Coy going to be in school?" Briar asked.

"Yeah, he's going to go to pre-k." I said.

Briar nodded and went back to quietly singing along with the radio. When we pulled up to the house I parked my black SUV in the driveway. My dad had been yesterday with one of his friends and moved my furniture, clothes, toys, and heavy stuff in already. All I had was kitchen utensils, stuff we absolutely needed, more toys, computer, more clothes, and any other little stuff.

"Go check it out." I said to Briar who was just sitting there staring at the house.

"It's kinda big." He said turning his head to me.

"It's two stories. Kitchen, dining room, living room, and utility room are downstairs. The bedrooms and bathrooms are upstairs. You and Coy have to share a bathroom but mine isn't off limits you can use it, if it's an emergency." I said.

Briar nodded and unbuckled his seatbelt, I handed him the house key, and he went to unlock the door. I watched as he disappeared into the house. I sighed and rested my head on the steering wheel.

"God, I really hope I did the right thing." I mumbled to myself before sitting up. I got out of the car and opened the back hatch. So many boxes, ugh. I'm never moving again. I grabbed a box labeled Coy and trekked inside. I just dropped the box in the living room. Briar came downstairs with a smile on his face.

"What's with the smile?" I asked.

"I like my room. It's pretty big." He said.

I smiled to myself, "I'm glad you like it. Can you help me with the boxes until Coy gets up?" I asked him. Briar is such a big help with Coy and whatever else he can help with.

"Yeah, no problem." Briar said and walked outside.

We made at least six trips each before Coy woke up. Briar took a box of toys and Coy upstairs to play so I could finish getting the boxes inside.

When I had finished I was hungry and I knew the boys were, they're always hungry.

"Boys!" I yelled up the stairs.

Coy came down first followed by Briar, "What is it, mommy?" Coy asked.

"I'm was thinking pizza for dinner, how does that sound?" I asked.

"I've said it before and I'll gladly say it again, best aunt ever." Briar said and hugged me.

I laughed and hugged him back. Then, Coy joined in, "Best mommy ever." I laughed again.

"Alright, one pepperoni and one cheese. We can have left overs for breakfast before we go enroll you boys in school." I said pulling my phone out of my back pocket.

"Don't you have to enroll yourself, Aunt Bai?" He asked raising an eyebrow at me.

I mentally slapped myself in the forehead for forgetting about that, "Yes, I do. I would have completely forgotten if you hadn't of reminded me. Best nephew ever." I said ruffling his hair.

Briar smiled and fixed his hair. God, he looks so much like his daddy when he smiles that big smile.

"Mommy." Coy said tugging on my shirt.

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