Chapter 2

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Ainsley walked into the police station with her mother who was clearly still shaken up from seeing the dead bodies of two people she knew. As Gil brought Jessica into his office, Ainsley walked over to Dani's desk where Malcolm was talking to JT and Dani. 

"How are my favourite detectives doing?" Ainsley asked as she stood beside her brother and rested her arm on his shoulder. 

"We're fine Ains, how's mom?" Malcolm asked as he stood up straight causing Ainsley's arm to drop from his shoulder. 

"I was talking to JT and Dani when I said my favourite detectives," Ainsley teased, and JT and Dani laughed while Malcolm frowned at his sister's teasing comment, "as for mom, she's still a bit shaken up from this morning but I think she'll be alright." 

Malcolm nodded and looked towards the closed door of Gil's office where Gil was giving Jessica the heads up about Dani and Malcolm going undercover, as well as comforting her. 

"Hey Ainsley," Dani said after a moment, breaking the silence that had filled the space between the four of them, "I was wanting to do a bit of shopping, you know expand my wardrobe a bit, and I was wondering if you could take me to some of the stores you shop at and maybe help me pick out some outfits." 

Ainsley's face lit up with excitement at the thought of helping Dani do some shopping. 

"Really? I would love to take you shopping! Just let me know when you're not busy and we can go." Ainsley said excitedly to Dani as Gil and Jessica walked out of Gil's office. 

"Well I'm not really doing anything right now, so what if I went with you to drop off your mom at her house and then we go?" Dani suggested, "Or we could bring your mom along with us if she doesn't want to be home alone right now." 

Jessica looked at Dani and Ainsley confused, "Might I ask what the two of you are possibly inviting me to do with you?" She asked as Dani stood up and grabbed her leather jacket from the back of her chair. 

"We're taking Dani shopping so that she can expand her wardrobe a bit," Ainsley said excitedly as Dani put her jacket on and grabbed her car keys. 

"Is it okay for us to be bringing Dani shopping right now? In the middle of a case?" Jessica asked concerned, looking at Gil. 

Gil nodded, "It's fine, we can get started on this case without Dani and we will fill her in when she comes back," Gil said gently rubbing Jessica's back, "Right now Dani's job is to help Ainsley with keeping your mind focused on something other than what you saw this morning." 

Dani grabbed her phone off her desk and put it in her jacket pocket before starting to leave. 

"I'll drive so Adolpho doesn't have to drive us around," Dani said as Ainsley and Jessica left with her.

Gil had sent JT to the location of the socialite event to get the list of names of everyone who would be attending. While JT was gone, Gil used the time as a perfect opportunity to go over Malcolm's cover with him. 

"Alright, you and Dani are Mr. and Mrs. Bright, you are friends with Jessica Whitly and the three of you first met at Nicholas Endicott's Night at the Ballet charity event for the Nicholas Endicott Endowment for the Arts," Gil said as Malcolm took notes. 

"We are bound to have people at this event who were at that event, what happens when they ask why they don't remember seeing us there?" Malcolm asked remembering how his mother wouldn't stop telling him and Ainsley how she hated seeing Cricket at Endicott's event for about a week. 

"That's a simple thing you guys can brush off by asking how they didn't remember seeing the two of you when you remembered seeing them," Gil said and Malcolm quickly wrote that down on his notepad as JT walked in with the list of attendees. 

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