Chapter 3

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The next morning, Dani arrived at Malcolm's loft to pick him up before they went to JT and Tally's place. 

"You're not dressed, why are you not dressed?" Dani asked when Malcolm opened his door still in his pyjamas. 

"I just finished my morning yoga, plus I wasn't sure if I should wear something casual or what I normally wear," Malcolm admitted as Dani walked over to his closet and pulled out a pair of jeans, a t-shirt, and his Harvard sweater. 

"Wear this. We're just going to breakfast at JT's so you don't need to wear a suit." She said as Malcolm looked at the outfit option she picked out. 

"Alright, give me a second," Malcolm said as he grabbed the clothes and walked into the bathroom to get dressed. 

When Malcolm was dressed, he walked out of his bathroom, and he and Dani left his loft. Once Dani and Malcolm got to JT's house, JT let them in, and Malcolm looked around when he entered. It was Malcolm's first time at JT's place so he was a bit nervous, but he smiled when he smelled the scent of freshly baked muffins being pulled out of the oven. 

"Malcolm, welcome to our home," Tally said with a smile when Malcolm walked into the kitchen with JT and Dani, "Oh, you're not wearing a suit. You still look very nice though." 

Malcolm smiled awkwardly when Tally complimented his outfit. 

"Thank you for letting Dani and I crash your morning," Malcolm said to Tally who chuckled in response. 

JT walked into the dining room so that he could set the table with the help of Dani while Malcolm stayed in the kitchen chatting with Tally. 

"JT tells me that you like blueberry muffins, so I made sure to make some for you for breakfast," Tally said as she moved the muffins from the muffin tin to a plate. 

Malcolm smiled and nodded as JT and Dani joined them in the kitchen again. 

"I love blueberry muffins and I have a feeling that yours are going to be my favourite." He said as the four of them went to the table to have breakfast. 

While they sat at the table eating breakfast, Tally turned to face Dani. 

"So Dani, JT tells me that you went on a shopping trip specifically for this case," Tally said and Dani shot JT a dirty look before nodding at Tally. 

"Malcolm and I are going undercover for this case and since my clothes would make me stand out, I thought it would be a good idea to buy clothes that would allow me to blend in," Dani explained to Tally who nodded in understanding. 

When they had finished breakfast, Tally led Dani and Malcolm into the living room while JT cleaned up their breakfast mess. 

"So Malcolm, this is your first time going on an undercover case?" Tally asked Malcolm as they sat down in the living room. 

Malcolm nodded and chuckled awkwardly, "First undercover case and Dani is stuck pretending to be married to me." He said and JT laughed as he joined them in the living room. 

"I think you'll do great, "Tally said reassuringly to Malcolm. 

"Okay, I think it's time to give these two some pointers on how to be a married couple," JT said and Malcolm took a notepad out of his pocket.

A few hours later, Dani brought Malcolm back to his loft. 

"Should we go over some of the stuff we learned from JT and Tally since our undercover case starts on Monday?" Malcolm asked Dani as he unlocked the door to his loft. 

Dani nodded as she followed Malcolm into his loft. 

"So with this week-long event, what are we doing about sleeping arrangements?" Dani asked as they sat down on Malcolm's couch. 

"Last I knew, my mother was in the process of getting us a room at a hotel close by," Malcolm said as he crossed his legs as he sat on the couch. 

Dani nodded as she thought about the fact that she's about to spend a week in a hotel room with Malcolm pretending to be his wife. 

"So about wedding rings... We'll need some so that we can make it believable that we're married." Dani said after a short while of thinking in silence. 

"Well, we can always go check some pawnshops, see if they have any good rings in our sizes." Malcolm suggested as he quickly stood up. 

Dani chuckled as she let Malcolm help her off the couch. 

A short while later, Malcolm and Dani arrived at a pawnshop and started browsing their options for rings. 

"What about these ones?" Dani asked Malcolm as she pointed to an engagement and wedding ring set. 

"Those look nice, we should make sure they're you're size first though." Dani nodded and asked the pawnshop owner if she could try on the rings as Malcolm looked for a ring for himself. 

When they found rings that they liked and that fit their fingers, Malcolm and Dani went to the Whitly Estate to show Malcolm's mother. 

"Mother, Dani and I want to show you something," Malcolm said as he and Dani walked into his childhood home with the rings on their fingers. 

"I'm in here darling," Jessica said from the living room. 

Malcolm and Dani walked into the living room and saw Jessica sitting on the couch with Gil. 

"Dani and I made a purchase for our undercover work," Malcolm said to his mother and Gil as he and Dani walked over to them. 

"I'm assuming you brought this purchase with you to show me," Jessica said as she and Gil moved so Dani and Malcolm could join them on the couch. 

Malcolm nodded as he and Dani showed his mother and Gil their rings. 

Jessica gasped when she saw the rings, "Look at those rings, they're so gorgeous." Jessica said as she examined them. 

Gil raised an eyebrow as he looked at the rings. 

"How much did you spend on those?" He asked looking at Malcolm. 

"Not too much, we found them at a pawnshop," Dani said to Gil reassuring him that they didn't go overboard in preparation for their case. 

"You two are going to look so much like a married couple, it'll be upsetting for me when this case is done," Jessica said with a sigh knowing that this was all just a cover and that her son wasn't really married to Dani. 

"Maybe one day soon Malcolm will be back here giving you the news that he got engaged," Dani said to Jessica, trying to make her feel better. 

"Unless Malcolm has a secret girlfriend I don't know about, that's not happening anytime soon," Jessica said and Malcolm rolled his eyes at his mother's comment. 

"Well mother, Dani and I will meet you at the hotel Monday morning," Malcolm said as he stood up to leave. 

"Malcolm wait, are you bringing your restraints for the week?" Jessica asked as Dani also stood.

Malcolm looked at his mother like she was crazy, "Did you not get a room with two beds for Dani and I?" He asked as Dani walked towards the door. 

"The only rooms available were rooms with one bed. I had no other options." Jessica said and Malcolm sighed as he followed Dani. 

"We'll figure something out," Dani said rubbing Malcolm's arm, "We'll see you Monday Mrs. Whitly." She added before she and Malcolm left.

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