The Truth About Nothing (2)

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Chapter 2

**Will's POV**

Heather was waiting for me when I got out of the ER. She was wearing a thin blue tank top and a white mini skirt with three inch heels that almost made her taller then me. She has this air about her that lets you know she's boss and there's nothing you could do about it, and she has expensive taste in EVERYTHING.

She has shoulder length bleach blond hair that she has dyed every month, and gold hoops the size of a steering wheel. This is Heather, and she's my girlfriend. She's the most sought after girl in Ridge-View High with the body of an goddess, and the lips of an angel.  

Sure she has her flaws, but so does everyone. The reason I liked her so much when I first met her was her eyes. My mom always said that the eyes were the window to the soul, and I firmly believe that. Heather has these big brown eyes that scream "take me home".

Heather's dad died in a motorboat accident when she was younger, and ever since she got boobs and curves she has gone after every guy she can get her claws on. I can't help but feel like she wants a father figure instead of a boyfriend. Not that she wasn't well taken care of financially, actually she's the wealthiest girl in town. Her father's life insurance money (on top of the money they got in the lawsuit over faulty motors), between Heather and her mother there was probably enough money to buy a small island equipped with a speed boat and beach resort.

"God! What took you so long! I have been out here for like 30 minutes! I had to call my mom to tell her to TIVO Grey's Anatomy! We caught an early showtime of the movie for a reason! This messes me up completely! Me and Beth usually text while we watch to talk about doctor McDreamy and Dr. McSteamy!" I wondered if she even cared about what happened to the girl we had just found in the road all cut and blood not more then 40 minutes ago, but I knew Heather could only think about one thing at a time so bringing it up would just be cruel.

"Sorry, were leaving now." Heather immediately took my extended hand and we strolled out of the hospital together.


**Dune's POV**

I had compiled 3 escape routes, though one involved the use of a firearm, so I tossed it.

"Dune?" I heard my new name and looked up into the curious eyes of Dr. Shay. I was so busy trying to formulate a plan that I had forgotten to pay attention to him while he informed me of my condition. When he was sure he had my attention he continued. "Dune, I know you can't remember anything right now, but do you know who might want to hurt you?" The Doctor had stumped me now. I hadn't really thought about who had beaten me almost to death and then left me in the road so that an innocent driver could finish their dirty work. Do I have a lot of enemies? Did I do something to upset them? What happened to me?

"Sorry, I don't remember that either." The disappointed look on his face made me aware of my own feelings of disappointment.

"Well your banged up pretty good, but other then that, I see no reason why not to discharge you." Dr. Shay stated. Now where am I going to go? Maybe they would let me stay at the hospital tonight? Wait, hadn't I just been formulating escape plans? My stomach rumbled and startled me. A big smile spreads across Dr. Shay's face, almost like he had just hatched a genius idea.

"Since there is no medical need for you to stay at the hospital, and you don't have anywhere else to be. Plus we will have to wait til' morning to call social services, Do you want to eat dinner with my family? We would love to see another smiling face at the dinner table tonight. You could even stay the night." The whole thing completely caught me off guard. Why was he being so nice? Was it pity? I decided not to over analyze the situation, and to just be grateful. I really don't have a lot of options here.

"If . . . if it's not too much trouble . . . " I responded in my most pleasant voice. I don't deserve this. I am obviously a very bad and very dangerous person. Why else would this have happened to me?

Good people don't end up in the middle of the road beaten to smithereens.

It's as simple as that.


**Will's POV**

After dropping Heather off, It's still only 8 o'clock. Dinner's usually at 8:30 because we wait for dad to get off work so we can eat as a family. I drive though main street, going by all the boutiques that are already filled with homecoming attire, which is amazing considering school doesn't start for another 4 days. But in a small town like this there were only so many activities to keep occupied with.All the high school dances became like holidays in Ridge-View.

I pull up to the house and see my dad's car in the drive way, Mom's car is already in the garage. I head inside and I'm barely in the door before I'm attacked by my 6 year old little sister Rachel. I scoop her up in one swift motion and watch as she struggles to break free while I tickle her. She giggles and it's the most melodious sound in the world. Her blond curls bounce in two pig tails by her ears. She's wearing her favorite dress which means we have company. I look up and come face to face with Dune. I'm startled for a moment, but snap out of it. She looks good in normal clothes I think, until I realize who's clothes she's wearing . . .

"Where did you get those! You have no right!" I snap. She looks confused and annoyed at the same time. My parents come to her defense.

"I told her she could wear them!" My dad answers sternly

"Her clothes were soaked with blood, and they're the only clothes we have that fit her!" My mother adds in. Anger boiled up inside me. I don't care the reason's, she can't wear Shannon's clothes!



So Thank you everyone who is reading this, and everyone who has commented and/or voted:)

So, whatcha think? Good? Bad?

I REALLY appreciate feedback! I'm always looking for ways to improve!

Oh yea, if anyone is confused, don't worry, it will all become clear soon.

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