C.U.T.E Pt.2

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[Namjoon's POV]

I was sitting comfortably on the couch with a book in my hands. I turned in the page and felt a shadow hover over me and I looked up to see Kim staring at the book.

I blushed and managed to ask her "W-what are you doing?" I asked and she looked at me and blushed too.

"Sorry.. I just wanted to see what you were reading." She said and I shook my head with a smile. "Want to read it with me?" She nodded her head and I sat up with my back against the couch cushion.

She sat next to me and started reading with me. I couldn't help but blush.


We were on the last page and just as I turned the page I felt something softly plop onto my shoulder. I turned around and saw Kim sleeping on my shoulder. I closed the book and blushed.

I moved a few strands of hair behind her ear. I smiled. "We're home!" Hoseok and Twila announced. I put a finger over my mouth a made a 'shhh' sound.

They quietly nodded and Twila walked over. "I'll take her to our room." She whispered. I shook my head "I'll do it." I said and she agreed.

I carefully picked Kim up off of the couch and into my arms bridal style. Twila opened the door to their room and I gently sat Kim down on her bed.

Twila put the covers over Kim and turned off the lights in their room. Twila left the room and I just quietly watched Kim sleep, while I sat my head on top of my crossed arms that laid on the side of her bed. I tilted my head to the side slightly.

"How cute.." I whispered. She turned over and then I realized I was staring at her so I walked out of her room. And stood outside of the door for a moment.

The past couple of days I got closer to the twins and I've been helping them with training. Jungkook helped Y/N with training and Twila recently started dating Hoseok.

When I say recently, I mean they just went on a date today.

I'm happy for them though. Although the flirting can be a bit much sometimes.. for me at least.

Y/N and Jin don't seem to hate them flirting, Yoongi doesn't care, Jungkook and Jimin thinks its gross, Kim thinks it's cute and so does Taehyung.

I spotted Twila and Hoseok eating popcorn and watching me come out of the twins room. "So.... you like her, huh?" Hoseok asked with his mouth stuffed with popcorn.

I slowly nodded my head in embarrassment. "Aww you two are cute!" Twila said smiling. "What about me?" Hoseok asked pouting. "You're cuter." She said poking his cheek, Hoseok smiled happily.

"I-uh.. do you mind me asking what Kim's favorite flower is?" I asked nervously. Twila nodded "She likes this really pretty flower called Smeraldo." I searched it up as she told me.

I looked at the picture of the flower (A/N: at the top).

"Wow.. it's so beautiful.. just like her." I whispered as I kept looking at the flower, it reminded me of Kim.


I took a deep breath as I knocked on the door. Kim opened the door, my siblings and Twila were in the living room taking glances at me.

I took out the small bouquet of Smeraldo's and she gasped. "I heard these were your favorite and I was wondering if you would go out with me?" I asked scratching the back of my head nervously.

Blush spread across her face and she took the bouquet into her hands. "Y-yes." She said before hiding her face with her hands. I could feel everyone's eyes on us and my face went bright when she responded.

"Want go out to eat with me?" I asked once again and she nodded. I smiled and she giggled at the dimples forming in my smile.


"Wow..." she said in awe. "I can't believe you did all this, and went through the trouble to find it." She said sitting down at the table.

It was an open-spaced restaurant on the beach, I thought she might like it but I wasn't so sure, so when she kept looking around and smiling at the view a wave of relief came over me.

While we were eating I noticed some familiar faces in the corner of my eye. I turned around and saw Y/N and Jin eating while watching us. I just sighed and gave them glares and they just quietly laughed.

"Is there something wrong?" Kim asked and I turned around and shook my head with a smile. "There were just some loud, annoying birds that caught my attention." I said calmly and she just shrugged it off and continued eating.

"The food here is great, and thanks for the flowers earlier, they were really pretty." She said. "Yea, just like you." I said quietly but loud enough so that she could hear.

I saw her blush and cover her face. "Ah- sorry.. was that too much?" I chuckled while scratching the back of my head. She shook her head with her face still covered.

I chuckled once again at her cuteness.


A little while after we got home I was walking by Kim and Twila's room when I heard Twila say "You know, if you two get married you'll be Kim Kim." She teased.

"S-shut up!" Kim said with a huff. I quietly chuckled and blushed at Twila's comment as I made my way to my room.

'Kim Kim, huh? Sounds good to me.' I thought smiling to myself. 'W-wait what am I thinking?!' I rolled over on my bed and covered my face with the pillow.

"What's wrong with you?" Jin asked walking into the room and sitting down on his bed. I turned over and didn't respond. I buried my face more into the pillow. 'What is wrong with me?' I thought before sighing.


I woke up at 7 am to start making breakfast for Kim. I made pancakes and cut strawberries, thankfully I didn't burn any of the pancakes or accidentally break anything.

I poured orange juice into a cup for Kim. I put whipped cream on top of the 2 stacked pancakes. I shaped the whipped cream into a heart and put the cut strawberries around it.

"Is it too much?" I scratched the back of my head and shrugged. Soon Taehyung, Jin, and Y/N came running into the kitchen.

"Wait- Namjoon made breakfast without making a mess?!" Taehyung said shocked. I gave him annoyed look and gave them the other pancakes I made and told them not to mess with the plating, food, or drink that I made especially for Kim.

Y/N and Jin acted like they were going to guard it for life.

3 minutes later Kim and Twila entered the kitchen with Hoseok holding Twila's hand. "I-I prepared breakfast for you K-Kim." I said showing her to her seat.

"Thanks, you didn't have to! It looks good though." She said taking a bite. Then she noticed the heart on top and blushed.

I smiled and chuckled. Jin and Y/N were whispering and giggling again.

"I'm impressed Namjoon, you didn't burn or break anything." Hoseok said and then Twila interrupted Yoongi before he could announce that he was here "Hey Kim Kim~ how does the pancakes your husband made for you, taste?" She said smirking.

I blushed "Their pretty goo-," she stopped and then realized. "TWILA!" Kim screeched, Jimin and Jungkook walked into the kitchen when Kim started chasing Twila around the house, her face red from embarrassment.

"Cute." Hoseok and I said at the same time and we chuckled. Everyone else was laughing at them but Yoongi started chasing after Twila too. "DONT CUT ME OFF!" He yelled.

We all laughed. And watched as the 2 got tired of chasing her and gave up. Twila came back with a proud face of victory.


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