7|| Seeing fours

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Maddie bribed me into kissing her. She told me she would hurt Chloe if I didn't go along with it. The full moon shone bright above Maddie and I. Chloe and 4 other girls stood on the top of the glass staircase in front of Maddie and I. She smirked at everyone below her and walked down with her army.

"Nice dress Chloe. Where did you get it? Goodwill?' Everyone laughed at Madison's joke.

"Well Madison, it's from Michael Kors. But thank you."

Maddie looked taken aback. No one had ever dared to talk back to her.

She looked at me and narowed her eyes.

She smiled and stepped under the spotlight.

But then something horrible happened.

Maddie went under it as well to confront Chloe,

but while she was under the light, a cord snapped.

Sadly, it was the cord that held the spotlight up.

Chloe moved out of the light at the last second

and Maddie was squished under the huge spotlight.

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