Chapter 4: The Unusual Kid

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Conan panted when he finally reached the rooftop. He caught his breath while turned his head back and forth, searching for a certain man in white. The mischievous phantom thief had stolen the jewel once again when it was perfectly guarded with tight security. The security system that guarded the Red Empress' room was a very complex infrared laser grid. If anyone touched it, that person would be electrocuted and trapped inside a metal jail. The laser grid would active once the jewel's box was opened, so in other words, Kid might be able to steal it, but he would not be able to get out of the jewel's room due to the invisible lasers. He might be able to evade the lasers if he wore infrared goggle, but that option was meaningless in this heist since Jirokichi made the lasers kept moving. Even if Kid could see it, he would not be able to evade it, but the phantom thief managed to prove otherwise because he was able to steal the gem and get out of the room safely. Kid was able to steal the Red Empress which was guarded with such amount of infrared laser!

Conan, Jirokichi, Ran, Sonoko, and Kogoro had watched the thief via monitor when he entered the room and stole the gem. They noticed that the lasers were active immediately after Kid had opened the jewel's box, but those lasers suddenly stopped moving; the thief clearly had messed with the system, but what was more surprising was the fact that Kaitou Kid walked easily through the lasers without wearing an infrared goggle! The thief just walked and sometimes stooped and jumped, avoiding the invisible lasers with his naked eyes and finally managed to get out of the room with the Empress in his hand. After that, Conan did not need to watch any longer or thinking about what kind of trick the thief had used to be able to walk through infrared lasers without goggle. He knew for sure that Kid did not use any trick; he simply memorized the lasers' patterns. The shrunken detective ran out of the monitor room where he had watched the thief's performance before. With police officers guarded the entire building, Kid would have to disguise himself as one of them to get out of the museum without being noticed, but since this time his fans were waiting for him to reappear in front of them with the jewel of victory as he promised them, the thief would have to show himself and give some speech about his success in stealing the Red Empress. That was why Conan had run as fast as possible to the rooftop. He deduced that Kid would almost certainly go there to meet his fans and TV cameras.

True to Conan's deduction, the phantom thief was there, facing the crowd below him with his triumphant grin while helicopters surrounded him from above. The cameras were directed to him as he prepared to give his speech. He would already do it if not because of Conan's presence. Kid turned back to face his rival, his grin still on his face.

"My, my, you sure are quick, Tantei-kun," Kid remarked as he pocketed both of his hands.

Conan smirked. "You really caught me this time. To be able to memorize the lasers' patterns and avoiding it with naked eyes, you're really something."

"Thank you for your compliment, but as you can see, my audiences are waiting for my speech, so could you please not disturb me for a while?"

"Like hell I—" Conan suddenly froze. 'What was that?' Conan was sure he had just seen something. Something like... scratch. In Kid's clothes. Something had scratched Kid's upper arm. 'And that scratch, it has... dark color? And what's this scent? It smells like... like... blood?!' At this sudden realization, Conan's eyes widened. Kaitou Kid was hurt?

"Kid, you're—" Conan stopped when he saw the thief put his index finger in front of his own lips, asking the detective to shut his mouth. There was a faint smile on Kid's face, a mysterious yet serious smile. The thief knew that Conan had discovered his little injury and he asked the detective to keep silent about it.

"You do realize that I won't let you get away easily, don't you?" Conan finally changed the topic, deciding not to ask the thief about the blood that he smelled even though he was very curious about it.

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