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Descriptive scenes of violence

More descriptive than the previous ones-

Anyone under 18- oh wait nvm I'm not even- I DON'T CARE HOW OLD Y'ALL ARE JUST BE WARNED

Before anything could happen, I stopped the clock again. I didn't know what to do, so I ran.

And you wanna know where I ran to?

Right to the battlefield where the Oat and All Might were battling it out.

I didn't have much time left (haha), and as soon as my quirk wore off and the clock started again, I would black out.

Well this is a predicament

I did a "smart" move and chained myself to a wall of a nearby building. That way when I passed out, the villains couldn't take me away.

Because that's how it works, right?

So I allowed my body to pass out and the clock started again. But since I was passed out and I'm a dumbass, I didn't feel my chains being cut up with Toga's knife.

I didn't feel myself being dragged by the ankles by Dabi into a portal that the Oat had forcefully activated.

I didn't feel my legs being strapped to a stool, or my hands put into cuffs, in a new villain base.

And I didn't hear the villains set up a camera in front of me.

I didn't hear the announcement that they made to whoever was watching the livestream.

I didn't know that they were even making a livestream.

Why were they making a livestream?

These events brought me to right now when I woke up. I groaned a little, my head throbbing and my hands bleeding profusely. I looked in front of me and saw a camera. I raised an eyebrow and looked around the room.

Sharp pain, right through my stomach. I gagged, and looked down to see what had just impaled me.

Toga's knife


I breathed in shakily and looked over my shoulder to see Toga looking at my new wound very fondly.

"Every hour that passes, this UA student obtains a new wound. Heroes, you should get going now, shouldn't you? It would be a shame for you to watch a young kid; let alone a UA student, suffer at the hands of villainy," Shitty Shigi said from behind me.

What is he talking about?

I looked to the camera and saw a little light flashing on the side of it.

Oh hell. This is being recorded. wAIT THAT'S- HELL NAH GET ME OUTTA HERE NAH UH

Just as the pain was starting to lessen, Toga yanked the knife out of me with great force, blood spilling everywhere. I screamed briefly at the pain and breathed heavily. I coughed, my insides writhing in pain. Blood flew from my mouth, splattering on the floor. I glanced at it, but looked away quickly, not in the mood to barf.

I glanced at the camera and then averted my gaze to a corner of the room, not wanting anyone to notice the fear in my eyes.

I was scared, terrified, even. The villains were at an advantage, and there was nothing I could do. All I could do was wait for the heroes to show up. Or even have a distraction so that I can try to get out of the stool, or get the cuffs off so I could use my quirks.

𝘐𝘕𝘛𝘌𝘙𝘌𝘚𝘛𝘐𝘕𝘎 •𝐛. 𝐤𝐚𝐭𝐬𝐮𝐤𝐢•Where stories live. Discover now