10 - Salt, Sand and The Sea

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"Good morning, Gilbert," Hazel said as she greeted a refreshed Gilbert in the kitchen. She set the plate of food and tea in front of him as he sat down.

"Ah thanks," he said. He quickly cleared the plate of eggs and set it on the counter, making his way back to the teacup, which was soon empty as well.

"What's the plan for today, Blythe?" Bash asked as he entered the room.

"Anne and I are heading to the beach for the day," Gil smiled, "I have a lunch packed already." Bash didn't reply, he only smirked suggestively and Gil hit him on the shoulder and laughed.

As Anne was preparing for the day as well, keeping her hair down and clothing light, Gil was making his way over with a blanket and his half of lunch, smiling like a fool once he reached the outskirts of Green Gables.

That summer had been a fantastical one, Anne and Gil on the verge of tears during their reunion. Anne had one year left of school, while Gil had two left at medical school, and for Anne's finals, they would only see each other at Christmas and graduation. This summer was the longest period they had together before then, and they spent all most every day with each other. Now, it was a Saturday and a lovely day for the beach.

"Gil!" Anne squealed as she hugged him tightly once he set his things down on the porch.

"Hi, dear," he said, hugging her tightly.

"Ah, I missed you," Anne sighed into his shoulder.

"I saw you yesterday," he chuckled.

She let go of his torso to look up at an amused Gilbert. "Yes, I know," she whined, "but I did."

Gil tolled his eyes and smirked, giving her a tender kiss before both of them retrieved their things and they were walking to the coastline. They soon arrived at the cliff where both had made some big decisions years prior.

"You know, this is the spot where.." they both said at the same time, then laughed.

"I came here when I thought you were going to propose to Winifred," Anne explained, "I was so distraught and wrapped up in the miscommunication that I came here to breathe."

"I came here after finding your old story club and realized there and then that I loved you," Gil replied. Anne looked at him and smiled brightly. He looked out at the ocean and continued.

"When I was with Winnie, it felt pressured or enforced even for us to be engaged, and I didn't love her as I did you. Anne, you were funny and easy to be with, and after the demonstration, we did together, on the porch..."

He turned to look at her. Anne looked back sorrowfully.

"... at that moment I wanted nothing more than to kiss you." This made Anne smile lightly.

"I felt the same way, but since I hadn't figured it out yet, I feel I would've run off scared afterward. But, at this moment, I regret nothing that happened that led to this."

"Me neither," Gil sighed. They kissed quickly and smiled, walking down onto the beach and laid down their lunches and blankets.

As Gil was getting situated, he saw a streak of red hair run past him, already underdressed and heading for the water. As Anne squealed in delight when she swam around the shore, Gil laughed. He stood up, took off his unneeded clothes, and rushed out into the water with her. As he swam a bit and stared at her, she stood up and let her hands by her sides, the waves splashing against her legs.

Anne was in full bliss, absorbing the elements around her. The foam of the waves washing, the salty aroma in the air, the fresh breezes, everything was perfect. She closed her eyes and let her arms lift, as if to fly, and stood there for a minute or two. As she returned to herself and opened her eyes, she didn't see Gil anywhere.

"Gil?" she asked, clearly worried now. She glanced around her and at the shore; nothing.

"Gilbert!" she shouted more. "Gilbert!"

She heard a splash to her left and turned quickly. Before she could say anything, he had shot out of the water and swept her off her feet, holding her like his new bride. She screamed at this and began laughing but held it in.

"Gilbert Blythe, you scared me!" Anne shouted, pretending to be angry. This just made him laugh even more. She hit him hard on the chest and blushed, only now realizing he was shirtless. Gil blushed a little as well, and Anne kept her eyes on his chest. She lingered her hand as she slowly let it back to his neck, now making awkward eye contact. She smashed her lips onto his, gripping around his neck tighter, with him kindly returning the favor. They kept this up for a minute until a large wash hit them and sent them to the sandy floor with Gil gripping Anne in reflex and she was now on top of him. They realized they both fell and burst out laughing.


Later, they had dried off almost completely and laying together on a blanket as they finished their lunch. Gil had put his white shirt back on, with Anne wearing her blouse and a long skirt. They were cuddling and listening to the ocean sounds, with Anne nuzzling into his shirt as he held onto her waist. Gil was the first to break the comfortable silence.

"You know," he said as she turned to listen, "it's strange to think that we won't see each other for 6 months next year." Anne put on a small frown

"That's half a year," she whispered. She clung closer to him if that was possible, and he frowned as well, tightening his grip.

"What's wrong? I mean besides that," he asked, looking at Anne's distressed face.

"I'm just worried about this whole thing, I don't like being away from you for very long." Gilbert frowned stronger.

"Hey," he said as he grabbed her chin to turn her head towards his, "I won't like it either, but one day, we will never have to say goodbye again."

Anne smiled at this and kissed her beau. They separated and closed their eyes, tight in an embrace, listening to the waves as they fell asleep.

Hey people, sorry this update took longer than usual, just traveling a bit. But, now that I am home, updates should be more regular! See ya next time peeps! ✌️

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