7 - Merchant of Mistletoe: Pt. 3

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A/N: I listened to this classic Debussy piece, (cuz I'm a classical music nerd 😏), while I was writing, and I encourage you to listen as well while you read!


The sun rose with grace, making all the snow on the ground and trees sparkle like glitter or a lake in the summer, and it was a sight to behold.

Christmas and New Year had gone by like a breeze, Anne and Gil making sure to spend every second with one another before he had to leave for a few months, but he would make it back around Easter. This comforted Anne but only slightly, as they were closer than ever. It was this morning, however, that would be a small memory to hold on during the spring.

Since Gil suggested he sleep in Anne's room, he was given a pillow and blanket to sleep with beside Anne's twin bed, but he always ended up crawling into the small bed with her. That was his plan, stay in Anne's room to be closer to her, rather than share a queen bed with backs turned. They were in this position this morning, and the rays of sunshine revealed a cuddling couple at dawn, soundly asleep. The light from the window soon shined on their face, Gil waking first. He looked over and smiled, seeing Anne curled around his body and her head and hand on his chest, with his arm wrapped around her shoulder.

He tried not to move much, not wanting to wake her suddenly, but he removed his hand from her waist, reaching over and stroking her cheek gently. He did this for some time, as well as running his fingers through her hair, plastering a grin on his face the entire time. It was mornings like this he would most certainly miss; being in each other's embrace and being able to trace her freckles. Being too tempted by her cheek, he finally reached over and kissed it, lasting long but with care, being soft as a feather. He pulled away to see Anne's eyes open slightly and she hummed sweetly. They made eye contact and smirked widely.

"Good morning, my love," Gil whispered as he stroked her hair as she adjusted her position to be more comfortable on his chest, nuzzling into his cotton shirt. He kissed her forehead.

"Good morning, Gil," she whispered back and looked up at him. They kissed softly, then both sat up to keep Gil's hand around her shoulder, her head now leaning into his neck. They watched the light snowfall out the window, and the dear Snow Queen as she longed for her blossoms. Gil looked at Anne's face and smirked widely, watching her eyes become mesmerized by the sight of it all.

"Oh how I enjoy such sweet and powdery snow," Anne sighed passionately, Gil listening in, "especially on such a bright morning of this capacity. It makes you feel not only glad to be with warmth inside your home but makes you ponder the wonders things nature does sometimes. How it all comes together so flawlessly, like an orchestra of plants and animals."

"That is such an accurate description, Anne," he smiled, kissing her temple, "you have such a way with words that I cannot fathom having it myself." She looked back and smiled, kissing his nose, then fell back into his neck, both humming contently.

"I just love winter, it's my favorite," Anne rambled.

"Don't you say that about every season?" Gil teased.

"Yes," she chuckled, "but only because every season has its marvels. I guess that's why I say it every time the leaves change."

They sat there for a while, watching the sunset through the small window. Gil got up in between, much to Anne's disappointment, to open the window. He mouthed 'I'll be right back', and came soon with 2 cups of hot cocoa, and retreated back to the bed, enwrapping themselves in quilts.

"Ah," Anne sighed as her arms intertwined with Gil's, drinking their cocoa, "I never want this moment to end."

"Me neither, but we still have a few hours before I must return to my bed in order for Marilla not to suspect anything."

They finished their cocoa soon enough, as Gil let Anne continue to rant on the beauty of the window's viewpoint. Gil grabbed both mugs and placed them on her nightstand, closed the window, and returned to the warm bed, cuddling one another as they drifted back asleep. Marilla woke an hour later, to find themselves still cuddling in Anne's bed, fast asleep, and she smiled widely before heading downstairs, letting them sleep.


Anne and Gil woke up sometime after Marilla did, and immediately exchanged loving but awkward looks, knowing that she saw them together. They dressed and headed downstairs hand in hand and looked at Marilla, but she gave them a reassuring smile that whatever she saw was perfectly fine. No one said anything afterward until breakfast, where they discussed the plans for today.

"Now, the snowfall isn't as bad as it was around Christmas, so Matthew and I will be heading to Charlottetown for the day for errands, and Jerry has the day off," Marilla said mediocrely. Anne suddenly looked at Gil and squeezed his hand under the table, both knowing they would be alone for the afternoon, and as they glanced into each other's eyes, something unsaid went through.

The family soon finished breakfast, and once Gil checked through the window to see if the carriage had left, he rushed towards Anne.

"You get the buttons and carrot, and I'll get the hat and scarf?" Gil asked with a childish expression. Anne nodded, both holding a goofy grin as they grabbed the materials needed, laughed, and ran outside to build the best snowman they could. It took a solid 30 minutes, but the final figure looked lovely. Anne stood next to Gil, arm leaning on his shoulder, both looking proud over what Anne named "Furguson". What Gil didn't know, however, was that Anne had a fistful of snow and stuffed it down his coat as he squealed high-pitch. She sprinted away, laughing.

"Oh, Shirley-Cuthbert, I'm going to get you for that!" Gil exclaimed, beginning a chase scene, both giggling. He ran up to her and wrapped his arms around her waist, lifting her up in the air and spinning her, yelling "Yargh! I caught yee!". Anne just giggled as they fell towards the ground with a thud, into the white snow, now laughing their heads off. They stood up and kissed passionately before playing in the snow more.

This was a winter that certainly wasn't wasted.


Hey y'all, thanks for readin' once again! The renewal petition just got 750K, so take the win, AnnE stans! This chapter was pure fluff, but I love writing it so much! Jeez man, I'm updating like crazy, but I guess now I don't regret starting a book lol. See you soon!

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