1 - The Colors of Charlottetown

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As Anne woke up, she was greeted by the dear sun and its rays of light, beaming through her window. As she walked over to the window and opened the curtains more, she gasped with excitement by the trees and the morning songbirds accompanying them.

"Today is the day," Anne said to herself, "seeing my love for the first time in months."

Anne and Gilbert have been exchanging letters since the beginning of school, and Gilbert seems to have made friends at U of T. He fits into Toronto very well, which didn't surprise Anne, for she knew his charm could win over anyone.

Now, today was the day he was visiting for a weekend. She could not even begin to describe her excitement.

She looked away from the window after a long stare and got dressed. She brushed her hair into it was smooth as silk. She thought to do something different today, braiding her hair into one braid instead of two, and the finished product looked fantastical, so she tied it with a blue ribbon and draped it over her left shoulder.

"Diana! My dearest bosom friend! Wake from your slumber!" Anne said dramatically as she shook Diana until she woke.

"Ooh," Diana's eyes widened, "today is the day, isn't it?"

Anne shook her head eagerly.

"Now wait, Anne, I must get dressed."

"No time! Gilbert's train will be here in 15 minutes!" Anne smiled as she wandered through their room, trying to contain her excitement.

"Well, you must be on your way then," Diana sighed as she smiled, "you look wonderful, Anne."

Anne smirked and grabbed her hat.

"Now go see your one love!" Diana smiled.

"Be back after lunch! Bye!" Anne squealed as she rushed out the door.

As Anne made her way through downtown, she was happy that this one day was a sunny one on that November morning. The leaves had shown their marvelous fall colors, which Anne admired extravagantly.

She was walking and running ever so often, eager to see Gilbert. Little to her knowledge, Gilbert was in the same fate on the train, taking deep breathes and bouncing his leg.

He had a plan, he was going to tell her he loved her. Sure, they had multiple times through their lengthy love letters, but never in person, for they never had the opportunity to until today. After that fateful day where he had pure joy and love for 5 minutes, then was stripped of it when the bell rang 12. Being apart for so long only made their love stronger.

Anne had finally made it to the train station, and she sat on a comfortable bench and waited. Her heart skipped a beat when she saw the front of the train begin to pull in near the platform. She stood as the windows with faces in view passed her, and as Gilbert was looking to find her, they met for a couple of seconds. In that brief rejoice, they exchanged paragraphs of poetic affection, with only their eyes.

The train continued to pass until it came to a brief stop, the steam and the sound of the brakes on the wheels made Anne even more thrilled. The conducted shouted something Anne could not hear, as she briefly lost her hearing and vision as she was taken over by joy. Her senses soon returned, and she found herself standing in front of the main door, with various passengers making their way off the train.

Her heart fluttered as she squealed at the sight of Gilbert trying to tastefully make his way off the train, full of 'sorry's and 'excuse me's. As he stepped onto the platform, his eyes met Anne's, for what seemed like an eternity.

"Anne! My dear!" He shouted as she stepped closer, dropped his suitcase by his side, and ran to hold her. She squealed in joy as he picked her up and spun her around. They came to a stop, holding one another, smiling like lunatics.

Anne rushed as she pressed her lips against, with Gilbert quickly returning it passionately. He came apart suddenly, to Anne's worry, but returned another kiss, longer and calmer, which much more care. As their lips separated, they leaned their foreheads against one another, trying to catch their breath.

"Hello," Gilbert smiled.

"Hey, Gil," Anne replied.

They separated as Gilbert held her hand, and they began to walk. He couldn't stop staring at her braid, wishing there were flowers and butterflies in her hair as well. Anne felt burning eyes on her hair.

"What is it, dear?" She asked, keeping her eyes forward.

"Never seen your hair in one braid before," Gilbert whispered.

Anne turned her head to see his puppy eyes, transfixed by this arrangement.

"Well, I thought to try something new today," Anne smiled.

Gilbert snapped out of his trance and they continued to walk with one another through downtown. They glanced at each other every so often, without the other noticing, Gil taking up on this more of the time.

"So, what's the plan for today, Carrots?" Gil asked.

"I have a special spot in the forest I would love to show you," Anne smirked, "and on our way, I can pick up our lunch from Queens."

"Sounds lovely," Gilbert smiled, kissing her cheek.

They walked through the path where they first kissed, Anne whispered 'be right back' as she let go of Gilbert's hand and went to get their picnic. Gilbert looked around a saw a hummingbird fly by. He briefly saw Diana through the window to her shared room, and both smiled and waved.

Anne returned with a picnic basket and a plaid blanket. Their hands met again and began walking.

They walked down a gravel path, the trees becoming more abundant. Anne looked at Gilbert's unusual gaze at the beautiful warm-colored trees. Anne was leading them to a tree, just starting to change for the seasons.

Gil then laid his eyes on a large pile of leaves, and without Anne knowing, smirked mischievously. Gil then let go of Anne's hand and made her tip over into the leaves. She gasped as he let out a quick laugh.

She stayed still for a few seconds, Gil getting worried.

"Anne, are you alright?" he asked. Anne looked at him and burst out laughing, and Gil began to as well as Anne stood up, brushing the leaves off her dress.

"You wanna play that way, slate-face?" Anne said, trying to look angry.

Gilbert looked at her mischievously, but before he knew it, he was pushed into another large pile of leaves. They both laughed again as Gil rose and a leaf fight began.

It continued for many minutes, until they both laid out the blanket, sitting across from each other, Anne sitting cross-legged, and Gil had one foot up, and the other laid down with his hand resting on the propped-up leg.

"Ah that was fun," Anne sighed as she got out the sandwiches and the lemonade she packed.

"It was," Gilbert sighed back, "ah, I love you."

Oh boy, he let it out. His eyes widened and met with Anne's eyes, widened as well.

Anne gave a relieved smile, calming both of them. Gil's hand reached against her face and he caressed her cheek.

"Gil, I love you too," she smiled. They both chuckled and kissed with relief.



Hey there everyone, this is the first chapter, 1200 words! Ah, that's nice. I hope you enjoyed this first chapter, and don't forget to let me know what you think! I take requests for stories and if you have any suggestions or advice, don't be shy and message me!

Thanks for reading! I will be on the road for a few days, but I will make sure to update within the next few days! Enjoy your summer!

- Z

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