Chapter 18: A new step

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A/N: I had a lot of inspiration, so this chapter was really easy to write. I wasn't expecting to have it so soon, but here it is.

Chapter 18: A new step

Selena's POV

The next time I woke up it was after surgery. I moved, both to try shaking off the anesthesia and to check my leg. Or in this case lack thereof.

In an ideal case I would've had the leg replaced during the same surgery, but the prototype couldn't be completed that soon and the necessary paperwork needed to be filled out as well. And right now I just wanted out of the room. No matter my condition.

The doctor who had performed the surgery entered the room, flipping through her chart. Luckily it was a different one from the one who had been assigned to my case before.

"Are you feeling alright? That leg of yours was quite banged up."

"I'll be much better once you dot… once you hand me a cane and let me leave." I replied defiantly.

"Right. Well your condition should improve soon enough."

She then began explaining what the treatment from here would be as well as what I should avoid. Just when she was about to give me suggestions for treatments I stopped her:

"Yeah, yeah. This is getting long winded, now when can I start walking?"

"As soon as you feel able to. But you should probably rest your leg at least two days."

"I'll take a wheelchair." I responded, turning my body around on the bed so that my remaining leg was dangling over its ledge.

Luckily for me the doctor agreed and I was soon moving towards one of the physical therapy rooms. Since it was one of the hospital area not many people were here. Tournaments were the only time when someone could get hurt and with the shields of the IS even that was unlikely.

Since my legs were still out of commission I could only really work on my arms and how to  fix my grip. And also plan for after my leg arrived.

Your POV

The following morning you didn't get to go through your exercise routine because Tabane immediately dragged you to the side to take measurements.

"And why are we doing this?" you asked.

"I don't have another test subject. Besides, I want the little genius to be on par with me!!" Tabane replied.

"You could still use a body scanner." you replied, choosing to ignore that first part for now.

Tabane didn't comment, her hands moving on your body to reach the next spot to measure from. You let out a sigh and pushed her hands off yourself.

"Hands off, or we are using the scanner. I already agreed to remove my shirt but I don't have to sit through this."

"Oooh! Busted. But muscle density is also important to take note of." Tabane said with a cherry tone, scratching the back of her head.

In response you tentatively reached for your shirt and she immediately stopped talking. After writing everything down she led you to a platform which then began descending diagonally. You stopped inside another lab, this one with a ring on the floor and other equipment, which seemed to be intended for neurology.

Tabane hopped off and began gathering things as you were still taking in the room. She then threw you something akin to a mocap suit.

"Put that on and move to the ring." Tabane instructed. "We need to know what we're working with."

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