Chapter 9

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A/N: I'm back with a new chapter of this story because I've been neglecting it lately. I hope it doesn't suck.

Chapter 9 On the streets

"A... cafe?" Natasha asked after you reached your destination.

"An internet cafe to be specific." you replied, going back to work after taking a sip of your tea.

She seemed extremely underwhelmed by the situation. You were downloading a map of the city on your phone so your GPS would work offline and recharging your electronics. After that was finally done you paid for the drink and gathered your stuff, leaving the joint.

Once outside you placed the phone in your backpack, using a cable to link it up to your glasses and a map of the area was laid out in front of you with a route marked out in blue.

You didn't want to take a cab or tell Natasha where you were going so the trip would take a while, time that you'd use to try finding more holes in your plan. And there were a lot of them already. You weren't sure they wouldn't have defences that weren't IS based, against which all of your tools were not very efficient. The location was a mystery as well. You knew the place you were heading to was the one where the core of her unit had been recovered, as well as the fact she had been moved there from somewhere else. But you couldn't be certain the kidnappers hadn't moved her again. And the list went on. But the biggest question remained: wether this would serve any purpose.

"How much longer are we going to be walking?" Natasha asked.

"About six hours. But jogging would get us there roughly three times faster." you responded.

"And what about a bus, genius?" she asked, pointing to your left.

"Unlike you this probably won't be my last stop. So I have to save enough money to fly somewhere else." you explained, rolling your eyes in exasperation without even looking.

You couldn't take two more steps though, because Natasha pulled your hand and dragged you to a bench then sat down and you shrugged, doing the same. If  she was going to keep following you might have to actively try shaking her off.

"I'll pay for this. The sooner I get my report the better." Natasha said after pulling you on the bus. "Show me the map."

"No need. I checked satellite images before leaving the cafe. I know where to get off." you brushed her off, paying the driver and getting two tickets.

"You and your thorough planning." Natasha muttered under her breath, giving you the same amount of money you had paid.


You were near the edge of the city and walking from the station. Upon turning a corner you first realised the spot on the map was now a construction site, which you were certain hadn't been there a couple of months ago.

Your heartbeat began overpowering any other sounds, thumping in your eardrums. This couldn't be. How had they managed to begin building so soon after the investigation? Had the government not even conducted an investigation after retrieving the core?

You ran and asked the workers where their boss was, getting nothing more than weird looks in response. Tears began filling your eyes and you fell on your knees. A pair of footsteps began closing in. Their owner was probably going to kick you out.

Natasha's POV

I watched as a worker was walking towards Y/N to unceremoniously throw him on the sidewalk. Without losing more time I got to him and grabbed the man's hand, looking at his surprised expression. He began struggling and I waited until he was about to get violent then spoke:

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