viii. wonderful

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❝ i find that wonderful. i find you wonderful.❞


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OPHELIA'S BIRTHDAY CELEBRATIONS WERE NEVER TOO GRAND. Naturally, her parents would never do much for her birthday, as she was their least favourite child out of the four children. Because she was a seer, of course, and anything other than being a pure-blood was hideous to them. Thankfully, her birthdays since attending Hogwarts fell in the school term, meaning she would be around her friends rather than her family. And they never failed to do something for her.

This year, her sixteenth birthday fell on a Saturday, which was also Hogsmeade weekend. Ophelia didn't go every year as it always depended on her parent's mood, deciding whether or not they wanted her to go. This year they had been generous. And as soon as she woke up that morning of the sixteenth of October, Ophelia was especially chirpy after another peaceful sleep. She would have to find more of the sleeping draught Doris had given her.

With her hair in its natural straight state, Ophelia pulled on a black turtleneck sweater, a black plaid skirt and a dark blue winter trench coat. Josephine had been ready long before the witch, sitting on her bed reading another muggle book Ophelia hadn't heard of.

   "Can you not just give me my presents now? Must we wait until we get to the Three Broomsticks?" Ophelia pleaded, standing up after putting on her shoes. She didn't like surprises and never had, even if it was for something minor. But Josephine only laughed, shaking her head as she rose from her bed.

   "No, Ophelia. We'll be there soon anyway," Josephine replied, tugging Ophelia's arm after the witch had shoved a bag of galleons into her pocket.

The two of them met up with Charlie and Doris by the Clocktower entrance where all the students were instructed to wait, the two of them engulfing Ophelia in hugs upon arrival and giving her the usual birthday greetings that they had received all morning. Charlie had tried to ruffle her hair like he usually did, but Josephine promptly slapped his hand away, saying that he couldn't mess up her hair on her birthday.

   "I'd prefer if you didn't mess up my hair on any day. It's not easy maintaining it all," Ophelia added, following beside them as all the students were guided to the carriages. Doris was quieter than usual, but she usually got like that whenever she was around Ophelia in public. And while Ophelia feared her sister would inform her parents of her association with a muggle-born, she didn't voice it or show it. She just wanted to enjoy her birthday with her friends. "Where are we going first?"

   "We are going everywhere! First, we are going Honeydukes, then Zonko's Joke Shop..." Charlie listed off the multitudes of shops in Hogsmeade as they entered their carriage. Ophelia sat between Doris and Charlie, and the carriage was filled with laughter and chatter the entire journey.

𝐁𝐄𝐀𝐔𝐓𝐈𝐅𝐔𝐋 𝐓𝐘𝐑𝐀𝐍𝐓 ,  tom riddleWhere stories live. Discover now