chapter 6

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I woke up earlier than I was supposed to to find someone to help me. I had them set up breakfast in the room for Sienna and have the test waiting for her. We were going to do the elephant excursion and photos and tonight  I will marry her. I got tickets for all the girls so they could be here to support her. I know she would be excited to see them. I was so nervous but excited at the same time.

I did everything I was supposed to do and headed back to the bungalow. I found Sienna sitting on the bed. She was still in her pajamas.  I immediately was concerned and felt sad. "You okay?" "It's positive," she mumbled.  "Yeah." I was elated. "I don't wanna mess it up, Rico. I can't go through that anymore." I pulled her onto my lap as soon as I sat down. "I know you suffered with not being able to carry your other babies, but you have to know sometimes the universe knows when something isn't meant to be. It knows when something won't be right. That situation with you and Malcolm wasn't right. Would you want to bring a child up in that household?" I asked her. She shook her head letting more tears fall. I wiped her cheeks. "I love you. I promise you this baby will make it. You just gotta believe as hard as me."

"I'm so sorry Rico." "Don't apologize. It's okay for you to have these feelings but I don't want you sitting in them." "I love you." She said as she kissed me.  "How much time before I have to ride the stinky elephants?" I looked at my watch, "About an hour and a half." "Bet." She said as she straddled my lap.

"I swear I thought that elephant was gonna eat me." Sienna cried. She was laughing and crying real tears all at once but I'm glad she tried something different. I sighed. "Baby it's time," I told her and she looked at me nervously.  "You still wanna marry me?" She asked. " "I'm ready love. I've been waiting for this for so long." She wrapped her arms around my neck. "I love you so much, Sienna," I whispered to her. "I love you, Rico." She said back to me. I hopped out of the jeep opening her door for her. This was the part where we had to separate.  She would be pampered again like she was the previous night only this time they would prep her for the wedding. While we were out the girls called and let me know they were here so they were waiting inside the bungalow for her.

"Don't change your mind," I said letting go of her hand as she headed to the door. "Never." She flashed a smile and walked in. I heard her squeal lightly finally realizing she wasn't getting married alone.

It was the end of the night and I was extremely tired. I had married the man of my dreams and found out I was pregnant all on the same day. I stared at my friends as we waved goodbye to them. This is the happiest I've ever felt in a long time. I snuggled in close to Rico once we got into our car that would take us to the airport. From there we would get on our private jet and head to Fiji. I was so excited that we would be spending our honeymoon there it was so beautiful. 

"Did I tell you how beautiful you were tonight?" I blushed under his gaze. "Only a million times babe." "How about a million and one?" He said smiling down at me. "You look absolutely beautiful Sienna Brooks." "That's right,  I am a Brooks now." I nudged him as we both laughed. About 40 minutes later we made it to the airport. Once we went through customs we were able to board. I'm so happy we got to ride the private jet all alone. I couldn't wait to get out of this dress.

"Sienna, Margot is going to assist you with your dress and anything else you may need.  I'll be waiting for you." "Okay, babe," I said as I kissed him. They helped me board the jet so I wouldn't trip on my dress. Once I was on board Margot came to me and led me to the back of the jet. Once she helped me out of my dress she disappeared. 

There were 2 different outfits laid out for me. I chose the one I thought was the most comfortable, I didn't know how long this flight was, but I knew I didn't want to spend it stuffy. I picked the short set and walked out to where Rico was waiting. He handed me a glass of water. I wanted wine though, but I know he won't let me drink it. "All comfy?" He asked. "It's the only reason why I picked this outfit." He smiled at me taking my hand and leading me to the seats.

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Feb 29 ⏰

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