Chapter 7: The morning after

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Ryan woke up and Quinton was still sleeping so the hazel-eyed boy seized the moment to cuddle with the sleeping boy

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Ryan woke up and Quinton was still sleeping so the hazel-eyed boy seized the moment to cuddle with the sleeping boy. He kissed the other boy's neck, forehead and shoulders multiple times, stroking his hair gently. Around twenty minutes later, the dyed-haired boy started to wake up slowly. "Hey you. Ryan whispered, a big smile on his face. He couldn't help but notice how cute Quinton's morning face was.

-Hi, The other boy replied with a sleepy voice, trying to get his eyes to adjust to the light creeping in through the curtains of his room. They gazed at each other for a while before Quinton gently kissed Ryan's lips. Should we talk about what happened yesterday? Quinton asked somewhat nervously.

-Yeah maybe. We will have to talk about it sooner or later right? He put his hand on Quinton's cheek making him grin. Quinton nodded and went in for another kiss giving Ryan butterflies.

-I really like you Ry... Quinton said.

-Me too, Ryan answered running his fingers through Quint's hair. I...You...Would you... Should we try to date? He faltered. At those words, Quinton sat up. I get it if you don't want to and it was just a one-night thing... He looked away pinching his lips with a sad look on his face.

-What? I just told you I like you and you think I just want to sleep with you and move on? The dyed-haired boy asked confused. Ryan looked back at him, with a little glimpse of hope in his eyes. I would love to date you, but I just think we should keep it between us for the moment. A smile appeared on Ryan's face and he nodded.

-But Kio already knows. Ryan added, to Quinton's surprise.

-What? How? He hurried to reply

-He saw us making out yesterday... I'm sorry... Ryan bit his lower lips, feeling guilty that Kio saw them.

-It's not your fault." The other boy replied, looking up at the brown-haired boy. They kissed and after a bit of small talks, the two boys decided to get up. To keep their relationship a secret, they decided that not going downstairs together was the best option, so while Quinton finished getting dressed, Ryan went downstairs. When he reached the last step, he looked at the mess which was in front of him. There were empty cans and cups everywhere, crumbles of food were scattered all over the place and Bryce was passed out on the couch. " What's up? Jaden asked coming out of the kitchen with some trash bags. You're one of the early birds which gives you the right to help me clean up this place, lucky you. There was no excitement in Jaden's voice and Ryan noticed he looked tired. He handed the boy on the stairs one of the trash bags.

-I should've slept in then." Jaden chuckled. They started to pick up the garbages which were laying around and they put them in the trash bags. After a few minutes, Quinton came down the stairs and looked around. "Duuuude this place is trashed. Quinton exclaimed making Jaden and Ryan turn their heads in his direction.

-That's why we're cleaning it up. Ryan pointed out.

-Come help us." Jaden said which is what Quinton did. They finished cleaning up just in time to eat lunch. Griffin had made some Pot roast and they all sat at a table, eating their meal and chattering. Quinton realized Kio was staring at him for most of the lunch, so when they were both done eating, Quinton pulled Kio aside. "What's up? Kio asked.

-You tell me. You're the one who kept staring at me when we were eating. Kio sighed.

-Are you dating Ryan? He bluntly asked. Quinton frowned. He took a second to think before he replied.

-We are.

-I can't believe you didn't tell me! Kio said loudly.

-Keep your voice down. Quinton blurted. We are only dating since this morning Ki. And to be honest, we would like to keep it on the low for a while, you know before telling everyone. Kio nodded.

-I won't tell a soul." Quinton smiled and they both went their way. Quinton was on his way to the living room but Ryan stopped him and asked what they talked about, so Quint summed it up briefly. After that, they sat on the couch, where Anthony already was and the three of them started to talk.

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Thank you so much for 1K reads, I really appreciate it :) I'm glad you like the story 🥰 On another note, I know this chapter is quite short but I'm struggling to write at the moment 😕  I'll try to update this story as much as I can but I can't p...

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Thank you so much for 1K reads, I really appreciate it :) I'm glad you like the story 🥰 On another note, I know this chapter is quite short but I'm struggling to write at the moment 😕  I'll try to update this story as much as I can but I can't promise you any regular updates :/  Thank you again for reading my story, I'm grateful for everyone who reads this story and motivates me to keep writing it :) take care of yourselves precious little beans 💖

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