Chapter 2: Going to sway

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After Ryan saw Bryce's comment, he texted him.

After Ryan saw Bryce's comment, he texted him

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They then decided on a date. He'll go to the sway house from the 28th of april until the 8th of may. Convincing his parents was oddly easy Ryan thought, but he didn't care, he was just happy he could go there. Bryce told him Quinton was gonna be there too, which, for some reasons Ryan couldn't explain,was stressing him out. The 28th of april arrived soon enough and Ryan got ready to go. He was going to drive all day to get to the sway house, but it was worth it. Before leaving, he dropped by Max's house, to say goodbye, and then he finally took the road. He got to the house after a long day of driving.Kio was the one who welcomed him and he showed him a room they were lending him for his stay.Then after he put his stuff in the room, they went down to the living room where everyone was talking, eating pizza and playing video games. Kio pointed out that Ryan was there so all the boys said hello and got back to what they were doing. Ryan went to sit next to Quinton, it was like he was drawn to him, he couldn't explain it, but he just felt more at ease with the smaller boy next to him. Quinton smiled and started to talk to him.They all eventually started a fortnite tournement, each of them playing one by one. Griffin was the one who survived the least time, so he was last, and to Ryan's surprise, Josh actually won. They all went to sleep after that, and Ryan fell asleep very quickly because he was very tired of all the road he had travelled today. The next day, he woke up at around 10am and went downstairs, Griffin was cooking breakfast for everyone, so he sat down and ate the pancakes that were on the table. After that, him, Kio, Jaden and Quinton decided to go in the pool. As they were having fun in the pool, Ryan took a picture of Kio and posted it on instagram.

 As they were having fun in the pool, Ryan took a picture of Kio and posted it on instagram

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He was super happy to be there with his friends. After a while they grew tired of the pool so they got out and Ryan went on Instagram to check the comments on his recent. Max's comment made him somehow a bit sad, he wished his best friend was there too. But as he was starting to feel sad, Josh came up to him asking if he wanted to come film with them, they were going to make a skateboard out of a broken TV and go down the road riding it. He wasn't really feeling it but after Quinton said "come on it's gonna be fun Ry", he accepted. And he had to admit that Quinton didn't lie, it was fun. They spent the rest of the day doing that and chilling together. At around 1am Ryan went to bed, and fell asleep soon after, his head full of the good memories he had just made.

So I hope you liked this second chapter :) tell me your opinion in the comments :) 

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