Chapter 4: Hair dye

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Ryan got woken up by Quinton jumping on him with Josh filming and Jaden shouting him to wake up. When Quinton landed on him, Ryan's eyes shot open "Ow what the hell ?! He said with a semi mad, semi sleepy voice while the three other boys laughed.

-Did I hurt you? Quinton asked, sitting on Ryan when he finally managed to stop laughing.

-No, it's fine. Ryan voiced, yawning, and rubbing his eyes.

-Well good morning buddy! Jaden said to which Ryan mumbled an answer. Now let's wake Griff up!

-Yeaaaah, Buddy's not allowed to sleep this late. Josh added loudly, turning around to get out of the room followed by Jaden.

-Let's goooo." Quinton voiced loudly as he jumped off Ryan's bed and followed Josh and Jaden. Ryan sighed and took his phone to check the time, it was 8:30 am. He stayed a bit in bed, hearing the boys shouting at Griffin to wake him up. After a while, he got out of bed and went downstairs to eat. "Mornin'. Griffin said with a head movement as Ryan entered the kitchen. Did they wake you up too?

-Yeah... Just before you. Quint could've broken my ribs, those boys are careless. They chuckled and Ryan sat next to Griffin. Both of them were eating a bowl of cereals.

-And you didn't even try to stop them from waking me up? Griffin replied with a fake shocked face.

-Sorry dude but I was half asleep, my brain couldn't function properly. Griff smiled and kept eating. While eating breakfast, Ryan went a bit on Instagram and he posted something.

 While eating breakfast, Ryan went a bit on Instagram and he posted something

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After a bit, Bryce asked him if he wanted to do a Tik Tok with him and of course, Ryan accepted. This led to making more Tik toks and soon enough it was lunchtime. They ordered from Taco Bells and ate outside. "I want to dye my hair, Quinton blurted.

-Which color? Kio asked.

-Blond I think, but I'm a bit scared it's going to look bad...

-Let's dye Quinton's hair today. Josh smirked.

-Wait what? Quinton had an untrustful look on his face. Josh...Buddy...Listen...It's not that I don't trust you but.... It's my hair, I mean it's precious if you mess it up I'm screwed. Josh sighed and mumbled an "oh right".

-If you don't trust Josh to do it, I can do it. Griff proposed.

-You promise to do a serious job? Quinton sounded worried.

-I swear it'll be good. Griffin answered put one hand on his chest and one hand up as if he was swearing an oath.

-Ryan, what do you think? Quinton asked turning his head in Ryan's direction.

-I...I think that you should do it if you want to. Ryan replied caught off guard because he didn't expect this question. Could HIS opinion be important to Quinton? He shook off that thought quickly and added. Plus, blond would look good on you." Quinton thanked Ryan and next thing they knew, Griffin had blond dye and was dying Quinton's hair in the Sway house's living room while Bryce was filming it. They made sure Quinton couldn't see his face before Griff was done because they wanted the result to be a surprise. " Are you done? Quinton asked Griffin.

-Almost, I'm just finishing it up. Just wait a minute...One more second... Aaaaand... Done. Griffin pointed Quinton's hair with hands, a satisfied smile painted on his face.

-Is it bad? The now blond boy turned his head towards Ryan. Tell me the truth Ry, even if it means I have to shave my head.

-Why are you asking Ryan and not us? Protested Jaden.

-Because I trust Ryan more than I trust any of you to tell me the truth.

-Well, I appreciate your trust. Ryan smiled. You look just fine, Griff actually did a good job.

-Thank you Ryan. You see that right there is someone who knows what they're talking 'bout." Griffin replied. Quinton checked his hair and he actually liked it, so Griffin started bragging about how good of a hairstylist he was. What was left of the afternoon went by very quickly, and now Ryan was on his phone, texting Avani.

 What was left of the afternoon went by very quickly, and now Ryan was on his phone, texting Avani

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After Avani left Ryan to facetime Anthony, he watched some Tik toks and then some youtube videos before going through his gallery. It was something he sometimes liked to do because it made him reminisce happy memories, but sometimes, it could make him very sad, like today for instance. He really couldn't sleep so he texted Avani again to see if she was awake. 


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After their call, Ryan fell asleep because he was exhausted, he really hoped tomorrow was going to be as good as today, but he had no idea it was going to be even better.

I hope you liked this chapter as much as I enjoyed writing it :) Thanks for reading :)

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