Chapter 9: Skirting Around

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Okay so what do we think so far?

So glad we ALL agree Zeke is a puppy.

Uhhh and you guys are THE best!!! Thanks for all your comments.

In the morning, I forced Skye and Lou to take a walk around Haven's Way so we know where is what. And so I would not get lost anymore.

The good thing was that there were sidewalks so we could walk everywhere. The bad thing was that it was huge.

In the middle of the massive neighborhood park of stoned and gated mansions was something called the Grand Lobby. It was a skyscraper of a building that was a lobby when you entered full of couches, chairs and tables where the vampires socialized. To the right of it is the entrance to a restaurant that was buffet style serving all three meals a day. Which I could get used to. To the left of the entrance was the library where it was four stories high. I knew I would spend a lot of time there.

Other spaces occupied the upper half, but it looked like you needed some kind of security access to get to it.

On our walk, we all were stupidly excited about seeing where royalty lived and really wanted to see where Zeke lived. I tried to wonder what I'd say to Zeke if we saw him, but there was so much security outside of the castle I glimpsed.

A literal castle.

Except the part where we looked at seemed it was under construction. Like it was destroyed.

"Imagine living there," Lou exclaimed. I made her turn around in case we got caught by one of the guards by the gate for gawking too much.

Skye sighed dreamily, "I would never leave."

"Too bad we have to," I pulled her away too before one of the guards did something to us. 

Trekking back to our house, I got a slight idea where some of the houses were, and where to go once I saw the Grand Lobby.

"I think I won't get lost again," I said as we entered the home.

"Again?" Lou asked me, but we all stopped when we saw Helda standing by the entrance. A frown on her lips.

Holding an envelope.

Skye skipped to her. "Is that mail for me? I'm expecting a package."

"Not for you, but for Stella." Helda gave me an eye as she handed me the white envelope that was addressed to me on scratchy handwriting.

Immediately, I knew who it was.


"Thanks," I said, almost running all the way to my room. Jumping to my bed, I tore the envelope and opened the handwritten letter.


I write to you as I'm less than a mile away from you.

I chuckled at this and continued to read his letter.

Let's get breakfast at the Grand Lobby tomorrow. Do you think 9 AM would work? I don't know when I'll get your message, but I'll wait for you.



P.S.- It took me a while to find an envelope, but we had a stash. I hope you are able to find one. If not, I'll come with envelopes.

Luckily, Skye was obsessed with stationery and loved it, so I always knew she had envelopes on hand.

Excitedly, I began to write to Zeke about how I'd meet him tomorrow for breakfast. 

The Vampire Prince (Stryders #2) PUBLISHEDWhere stories live. Discover now